Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I'm Thankful for...

Level 3 AM

I'm thankful for America. I can live in America.
I'm thankful for health.
I'm thankful for school, because I can learn English.
I'm thankful for for sister, because she send me money!

I'm thankful for my family because is a good family.
I'm thankful for my God for give my everything.
I'm thankful for my job for gime ours for made many.
I'm thankful for my school for learn english.

I'm thankful for America because I can help my family.
I'm thankful for my job.
I'm thankful for my parents, because they are healthy.
I'm thankful for America because I can learn to cook.
I'm thankful for my job because I can buy food.
I'm thankful for family who stay together.
I'm thankful for my sisters and brothers. They help me with food.
I'm thankful for English school because I learn English for free.
I'm thankful for food because it makes me healthy.
I'm thankful for good weather because there are no tornadoes this year!

I'm thankful for I have new live.
I'm thankful for have free school.
I'm thankful for walfer.
I'm thankful for have buy food, fruits, vegetables.
I'm thankful for my family.
I'm thankful for have my friends.

I'm thankful for my family because I love them.
I'm thankful for my relatives because they with me.
I'm thankful for school because I can study English.
I'm thankful for health because I feel well.
I'm thankful for my wonderful friends.
I'm thankful for all that I have!!!

I'm thankful for my good health.
I'm thankful for America. I have security.
I'm thankful for Minnesota because they give me food stamp.
I'm thankful for my teacher because we are study English.
I'm thankful for family because came with me to America.
I'm thankful for school because I study free.
I'm thankful for my friend because I live with him in his house.

I'm thankful for my family, but I need more family here.
I'm thankful for my job because I'm happy.
I'm thankful for my friends, because they are awesome.
I'm thankful for my church because I fill well.
I'm thankful for my school because I'm learn more English.
I'm thankful for my life, I'm very good.

I'm thankful for the hunting in the forest.
I'm thankful for my family.
I'm thankful for free study English.
I'm thankful for a Jesus for my live I'm happy good person.
I'm thankful for all ma parners bicause sometimes help me in class.
I'm thankful for America. I have good live a good food.

I'm thankful for my friend because their give me a book for read.
I'm thankful for my son because he is healthy.
I'm thankful for my sister because she calls me everyday.
I'm thankful for the school bus because my children go to school for free.

I'm thankful for my family because is near.
I'm thankful for my house because is not expensive.
I'm thankful for the JCR because I have medicine.
I'm thankful for my teachers because I learn English.
I'm thankful for America because I have a work.
I'm thankful for my mother.
I'm thankful for my health because I'm not sick.
I'm thankful for the good weather.
I'm thankful for the free English because I don't money to pay.
I'm thankful for my brothers because they help me.

I'm thankful for god to be healthy.
I'm thankful for my mom helping as bab.
I'm thankful for my dad helping as bab.
I'm thankful for my family to helping.
I'm thankful for god to give me health.
I'm thankful for America to gave me school.
I'm thankful for teacher for helping to learn.
I'm thankful for America for freedom.

I'm thankful for school English because is free I don't have money to pay.
I'm thankful for good roads because driving is easy.
I'm thankful for America because I have more opportunity.

I'm thankful for my family because they helping my live.
I'm thankful for America because give me school.
I'm thankful for for school because study English.

What I'm Thankful for...

Level 4 AM

I'm thankful for my mother-in-law for baby-sitting for me and I'm thankful for my husband bought me a new car and I'm thankful for my parents.

I'm thankful for visited my family and California last summer.
I'm thankful for have a good health this year.
I'm thankful for people voted for the President.
I'm thankful for have money paid my mortgage.
I'm thankful for have food this year.

I'm thankful for my family because my wife gave me a nice son in this year!
Also, I'm thankful for health.
I'm thankful for people who make me better.

I'm thankful this year because I have the opportunity of I come to school for learn to speak English.

I'm thankful for observance my family get to see each other on holiday.
I'm thankful for my husan he make through the surgery.
I'm thankful for my family are healthy this years.

I'm thankful for come to school.
I'm thankful for all the teachers help me.
I'm thankful for mather cook me.

I'm thankful for learn in school teachers.
I'm thankful for understand my husband.
I'm thankful for love my God.
I'm thankful for love my children.
I'm thankful for help government M.N.

I'm thankful for my husband family give the opportunity to me stay in the USA, and I'm thankful for teacher of Metro North Adult Basic School to give the time volunteer for all the students.

I'm thankful for to move to Minnesota. I get a good job and medical care.

I'm thankful for Metro North School. It helps us to study English in free, gets lot of friends, teach us many life and work skills when we arrive to the United States.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Tradition Wedding in my Native Country

My country Moldova has traditional weddings. Some people go to a government building or church. A woman and man get married at the age of 16 or older. Usually people come to the wedding ceremony in beautiful clothes. A bride wears white dress and groom wears a suit. People cook special foods like potatoes with chicken. After the wedding ceremony the newly-married couple goes on a honey moon. All people bring different gifts for the newly-married couple; people also give money. Usually people celebrate for 2 or 3 days. When people go on honey moon they go to Italy, Hawaii, and Turkey. They usually stay there for two weeks. Sometimes the newly-married couple pays for the honey moon. Sometimes their parents do it. In my country some people have superstitions related to wedding, like a man can’t see the dress of his future wife or when a ring falls down on the floor.


Traditional Wedding in my Native County

In my county Moldova a couple gets married in a government building. People get married at age 18. Before the registration the groom dresses in a black or white suit and bride wears a white dress. They go to register in the government building with Mendelssohn music playing. Then they go to church for the wedding ceremony. They exchange rings. After they go home or to a restaurant for the reception. The traditional foods are potatoes, chicken, fish, steak, and different desserts and drinks (water and juice.) Sometimes parents present tickets to the honeymoon (to the sea, to mountains, to Turkey.) After the honeymoon, newly–weds rent an apartment and live separate from parents.


Traditional Wedding in my Country

In my country Cambodia the wedding is at home. A woman can get married at age 18 and a man can get married at age 21. A groom pays more money for the wedding than a bride. They put ring on the ring finger. Groom wears a suit and a bride wears white dress. They have a lot of food for the wedding like steak, chicken, shrimp, fish, pork and dessert. There are many superstitions for wedding. They have cake, fruit, Beer to drink and eat and after that they dance. For gifts people give money. The bride never takes her husband’s family name. After they are married, the bride and the groom go to live in a different city and some live with their parents. Most wives stay at home and cook and take care of children. In my country people get divorced about 30% of the time.


Wedding in my Native Country

In my country Moldova a wedding can be in a church or in a government office. A woman can get married at age 18. A man can get married at age 21. Parents help prepare the wedding. Woman wears white dress.  Man wears a black suit. Sometimes   parents pay for the wedding, and sometimes people who get married pay.  A wedding   is usually   around   200 people.  Some people give money as gifts, and some give things for the house. Some people celebrate in restaurants or special places. People eat traditional food,    potatoes, salad pork and chicken. After people eat traditional food they dance, sing and play different games. Then they eat fruit, cake, and chocolate. The   day   after   the   wedding   people go on honeymoon to Turkey, Romania.  Italy.  Ukraine.   Some   people   never   go   on honeymoon, because it is very expensive or they work. After the wedding some people live with parents and others without parents.


Traditional Wedding in my Native Country

During the wedding in my country Conga a bride wears a white dress, white shoes and a white veil.  A groom wears a black suit and black shoes.  The wedding can be in a church or in a government office.  A woman can get married at age 18 years old and a man can get married at age 21 years old.  100 people come to the wedding.  Some traditional food can be chicken, potatoes, rice, salad, chips and special cake.  Some traditional drinks at the reception can be juice, beer, and champagne.  Marriages can’t ever be arranged by parents.  Typical gifts to the bride and groom can be a car, house, bed, sofa, table, plates, armchair, glasses, and a television.  A wife’s duties are to clean, cook, wash dishes, and go shopping, vacuum.  A husband’s duties are to go to work and make money.  Sometimes a couple goes on a honeymoon.  Usually a bride takes her husband’s last name.  A couple lives apart from their families.  There are not many divorces in my country.

Ornella Ntambwe

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Citizeship Class

Day and Time: Tuesdays, 5:30 - 8:30
Start: October 9
Who can sign up: ESL Level 3 and Level 4 students

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Favorite Dish

Pelmeni is my favorite ethnic dish. Flour, milk, eggs, salt, onions, garlic, pepper, chicken meat are the ingredients needed. The dough is made from the flour, milk, eggs, salt all mixed. The chicken, onion, garlic, pepper are chopped. From dough little round circles are made meat put in the center. Everything is put in pan in hot water, and boiled 5 minute. Served with sour cream, it’s is a very tasty dish. Because I always liked this dish, this dish is from my childhood.

My Favorite Ethnic Food

Sushi is my favorite ethnic dish, it is famous in Japan, It is easy to make.  It is easy to make. You have to prepare  some  ingredients : fresh fish ( tuna, salmon…)wasabi:   ginger;  soy source:  rise was cooked ; seaweed  are needed .   No  cook  for sushi, you can roll the rise was cooked with some vegetable  for example avocado , carrot and seaweed by special equipment of  Japan and then put it out  the dish,  and put the fresh fish on the top, How to eat? You only put it into the soy source with wasabi and ginger and enjoy it. There is something warning for you when you eat, it is too hot. Why is this  my favorite? Because it is good for heath, there are many proteins and vitamins in it.

My Childhood

I  was  born in a big family, 6 brothers  and  3 sisters. My  parents  worked very  hard. We helped them to stay  with little children, clean,  wash  dishes, and sometimes  cook. In  the  evening  we went outside to play. We  played  from  7:00p.m to 9:00p.m. My father  sometimes  worked  in the evening. When  he  was at  work,  we played  for a long time, from 8:00p.m to 11:00p.m. One  time  we played hide and  seek.  I counted  for a long  time before  I looked for my  friend. It  was  very  dark and I  could not  find him.
He was hiding  in the straw.  I was very  tired, but I  enjoyed this  game.


My Childhood

I remember going to school when I was 12 years old. I lived to go to school. I had two very good   friends at school. Many times we stayed during the first class, but then we would leave.        we  went  out  to  eat  grapes  that  were  500  meters from the school. We did not have good sweet grapes at home. After many times, we went back to school. The parents did not know but one day, my friends parents found out what we were doing at school. When I returned home from school, was punished by parents. After that I never ate grapes, but I began to learn very well in school.


My Childhood

I remember one day my family and I went to the river to swim but I couldn’t swim so I walked away from them. I went so far in the water that my family didn’t see me. 10 minutes later they all left. I was in the water over my head and alone. I didn’t know how to swim. I jumped up and down in the water. I wanted my family to see me and help but they were gone. So I tried to yell for them and jumped up to keep my head above the water. No one was there to help me so it was up to me to save myself. I kept jumping forward in the water until my head was above the water. I finally got to the shore and safety. I walked home and told my family what happened to me. I will never forget about that.


My Childhood

My house was on the outside of the city. One day my father, my sister and I were outside. My sister and walked to the river for 20 minutes, my father was sleeping on the ham mock between the trees.  My sister and I climbed on the rock to dive, I was first; my sister was second. We did that for 3 hours. After that we went horse-back riding for 30 minutes. After that we went to the lake to have lunch. It was a great day.


My Childhood

I remember I was 12 years old. We were at home with my best friend. We sat under the tree and ate cookie and drank coca cola. Suddenly I saw one big avocado falling down on my head. My mom came to give me some medicine so I could sleep. When I woke up I went to the avocado tree and I told the man who worked for my home to cut this tree down. After that I went to jump on an orange tree but I didn’t know how to jump so I broke my leg.


My Childhood

I remember the time when I 6 years old. My brother was 4.We came to the attic to throw my baby tooth that out. I believed that the mouse would come to the attic, take my tooth and bring me a new one. Just then my brother saw a sleeping cat. It scratched my brother’s face. My brother was surprised and let the cat go. The cat ran away my brother had a scratch for two months.


My Classmates

I talked to two classmates. Paula is from Guatemala. The weather in Guatemala is rainy and hot. Paula likes to eat beef and soup. There are four people in her family. In her native country she was a secretary. Now she is a cashier. Ansun is From Korea. The weather in Korea is hot and sunny. Ansun likes to eat sea food and rice. There are five people in her family. In her native country she was a seamstress. Now she is a student. I think my classmates are great! 

My Classmates

I talked to two classmates. Ansun is from Korea. The weather in Korea is sunny and hot. Ansun likes to eat seafood rice and kimchi. There are five people in her family. In her native country she was a seamstress. Now she is a student. Paula is from Guatemala. The weather in Guatemala is rainy and hot. Paula likes to eat soup and beef. There are four people in her family. In her native country she was a secretary. Now she is a cashier. I think my classmates are great!


My Classmates

I talked to two classmates. Nora is from Cambodia. The weather in Cambodia is rainy and hot. Nora likes to eat beef and fish and rice and vegetable.  There are three people in her family.  In her native country she was a nurse.  Now she is a student.  Ruta is from Eritrea.  The weather in Eritrea is hot and sunny.  Ruta likes to eat chicken and fries. There are five people in her family. In her native country she was a hairstylist. Now she is a student. I think my classmates are great!  

Monday, July 30, 2012

Coming to the US

I came to the U.S. in 2012 from Vietnam. The reason I came here is my family lives in the U.S. I came here with my wife and my son. My trip was 17 hours. First I went to Tokyo, Japan. I brought clothes, medicine, food, documents with me. I planned to come to the United States. On my first day in the U.S., I saw polite people and good weather. On my first day in the U.S., I felt very happy. On my first day in the U.S., I went to bed. The best thing about living here is education and freedom. The worst thing about living here is the weather in winter. I am homesick for my father and my mother in my native country. I don’t miss my boss in my native country. I wouldn’t like to go back to my country and live there. I like my new life in the United States.


Coming to the US

I came to the USA in 2012 from Eritrea.  The reason I came here is family reunion.  I came here with my brother. My trip was 21 hours.  First I went to Kenya. I brought my cultural clothes and my documents with me.  I didn’t plan to the United States. On my first day in the U.S I saw polite people. On my first day in the U.S I felt happy.  On my first day in the U.S I spent with my family at whole night.  The best thing about living here is I am free. The worst thing about living here is public transportation. I am homesick for my friends in my native Country. I don’t miss the government in my native country. I wouldn’t like to go back to my country and live there. I like my new life in the United States.


Comin to the US

I came to the U.S in 2008 from Thailand. The reason I came here is because I married my husband. I came with my husband. My trip was 18 hours.  First I went to Japan.  I brought three books, coffee, clothes and papers with me. I planned to come to the United States.  On my first day in the U.S .I saw the snow and many cars. On my first day in the U.S., I felt sad and tired. On my first day in U.S., I was very tried but I still went to buy something at Target. The best thing about living here is I trust my husband because he takes care of my kids and me. The worst thing about living here is we have to pay the doctors a lot of money. I am homesick for my family in my country.  I don’t miss the bad things in my country.  I would like to go back and live in my native country.


Coming to the US

I came to the United States in 2012 from Nepal. My brother lives in the United States, so I came here with my brother. I came here by myself. My trip was 26 hours. First I went to Doha. I brought clothes, documents and other things with me. I planned to come to the United States.  When I came here to the U.S., I saw snow and nice roads on my first day. I felt happy and tired on my first day. When I arrived in Minnesota, I went to my brother’s office. The best things about living here is good laws and education. The worst thing about living here is public transportation and expensive medical care. I’m home sick for my parents. I don’t miss the bad politicians in my native country. I wouldn’t like to go back to my country and live there. I like my new life in the United States.


Coming to the United States

I came to the U.S. in 1995 from Sudan. The reason I came there is to get a better life. I came here with my family. My trip was 18 hours. First I went to Holland and then to Las Vegas. I brought clothes and my Bible. I didn’t plan to come to the United States. On my first day in the U.S., I saw Christmas lights everywhere. On my first day in the U.S., I felt great. The best thing about living here is I can go to work and school. The worst thing about living here is we have to pay bill. I am homesick for my country and my family in my native country. I don’t miss the unfairness in my country. I wouldn’t like to go back to my country and live there. I like new life in the United States.

Minnesota Summer

Summer in Minnesota is more fun than in my country because there more different interesting places.  Summer in my country is not as interesting as in the Minnesota, but we had a good time. We often went to Black Sea, and we never sat at home doing nothing! In Minnesota we never sit at home either. My wife and I go on a fishing trip, walking in different parks, and lakes.  I like summer in Minnesota.

I liked the summer break because I could go to different places such as lakes, parks, different stores…  I went fishing at the Green Lake. Next day my wife and I went at the lake with her uncle’s family. I liked summer break because that time was very nice for my family.


Summer Break

I like summer in Minnesota and my native country too.
I like summer in Minnesota because my family drove to the river and park where we play with our daughter and other children. My native country every year we drove to the Black sea, went in the mountains , drove on the fails, went  on the river Don next where we live.
I wish to spend the summer in both. I have a lot of things to do in my country and in Minnesota.

Summer Break

I liked the summer break because I could go to the park with my family.
I went to the park on summer break. I went with my relatives and friends.
I talked and played with my friends.   There I met my friends. I saw different interesting things.


Friendly, nice, hardworking, lovely
Relative of husband, son and daughter
Who likes rest, music, shopping, travel
Who feels better because she doesn’t have a fever
Who needs good job, a car, good friends
Who fears tornadoes, accidents, bad friends
Who gives care, friendliness, attention
Who would like to see a new baby in August
Resident of Fridley


Friendly, good  father, nice.
Relative  of  wife, son, and  doughter.
Who  likes  shool, driving, fruit.
Who  feels  good  and  tired.
Who  needs  English, new  car, health.
Who  fears  accidents  something  bad  happensto  family,  tornadoes.
Who  gives  love,  attention,  advice.
Who  would  like  to  see  my  san  and  doughter  go  to  shool.
Resident  of  Coon  Rapids.


Friendly and nice
Relative of husband, two daughters and son
Who likes shopping, cooking, fishing
Who feels happy because I learn English
Who needs money, GED and good friends
Who fears accidents, mother getting sick
Who gives some money and some food
Who would you like to see children come to the US
Resident of Ham Lake



Nice, helpful, patient, polite.

Relative of wife, son, two daughter, seven grandchildren

Who likes good shopping, business, house, in his country

Who feels good, because, his family is ok?

Who needs to speak English, new business, new house

Who fears accidents, snakes, fires?

Who gives respect, love, help

Who would like to see his son graduate from university?

Resident of Coon Rapids



Friendly, nice, helpful, polite and patient.
Relatives of mom, dad, sister and two brothers.
Who likes shopping, study, and music?
Who feels happy, because grandma called me?
Who needs good education, new car and good job?
Who fears snakes, accidents and dogs?
Who gives help, love and respect?
Who would like to see her cousin come to Minnesota?
Residents of Coon Rapids.


Friendly, fun, quiet
Relative of husband and two daughters
Who likes music, travel, chocolate
Who feels happy because children are happy
Who needs to speak English
Who fears bugs , darkness  and children getting sick
Who give care , help and attention
Who would like to see sister in Russia
Resident of Coon Rapids


Nice and helping.
Relative of Mother, sister brother, son
Who likes ESL ,college, other job
Who feels happy because I come to school
Who needs to finish school good friends
Who fears mother can get sick, and accidents
Who gives time to people and some money
Who would like to see children finish college
Residents of  Blaine.


Friendly, helpful
Relative of wife and daughter
Who likes music, to stroll, read books.
Who feels good, because of nice weather
Who needs to speak English, job, and home
Who fears for my wife’s sugar is high, daughter is small, an elderly mother ill and living in Russia.
Who gives help, care, and advice
Who would like to see my daughter get married
Resident of Coon Rapids

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Home Sweet Home

In Ethiopia, I lived in apartment.  Now I am living in a house. My home in Ethiopia had three rooms. Now my home has six rooms. What I liked about my home in Ethiopia was the nice neighborhood. What I like about my home in this country is the garden. We paid about $55 each month for housing in Ethiopia .Now we pay about $1,199 each month for housing. The rent in Ethiopia included these utilities: electricity, water and garbage. The rent in this country includes these utilities: water and garbage. If I could change one thing about my home in this country, I would move to my own apartment. If I had enough money, I would move to another house because my son would be more comfortable.

Home Sweet Home

In Russia, I lived in a house. Now I am living in an apartment. My home in Russia had three rooms. Now my home has two rooms. What I liked about my home in Russia was the kitchen. What I like about my apartment is everything. We paid about $100 each month for housing in my native country. Now we pay about $135 each month for housing. The rent in my native country included these utilities: garbage, water, gas, telephone and insurance. The rent here includes these utilities: Internet, telephone and rent. If I could change one thing about my home in this country, I would have more rooms in my apartment. If I had enough money, I would move to another house, because I want a bigger place.

Home Sweet Home

In Congo, I lived in a house. Now, I am living in a house. My home in my native country had four rooms. Now, my home has four rooms too. What I liked about my home in my native country was that there was a big yard and big garden. We paid nothing each month for housing in my native country. Now we pay about $1,700 each month for housing. The rent in my native country included these utilities: electricity, water and telephone. The rent here includes these utilities: electricity, water and telephone. If I could change one thing about my home in this country, I would have a swimming pool for my family. If I had enough money, I wouldn’t move to another house because my children are comfortable.


Home Sweet Home

In Belarus, I lived in an apartment. Now, I am living in an apartment. My home in Belarus had two rooms. What I liked about my home in my native country was the balcony. What I like about my home in this country is there are big windows. We paid about $135 each month for housing in my native country. Now, we pay about $150 each month for housing. The rent in my native country included these utilities: gas, water, electricity, Internet and telephone. The rent here includes these utilities: gas, water, electricity and Internet. If I could change one thing about my home in this country, I would want to have a balcony. If I had enough money, I would move to another house because I’d like to have my own house.

Home Sweet Home

In Moldova, I lived in a house. Now, I am living in an apartment. My home in Moldova had 3 rooms.  Now, my apartment has 2 rooms. What I liked about my house in Moldova was my garden, because there were a lot of flowers. Now, in this country, I like having a swimming pool. In Moldova, I paid about $100 each month for housing. Now, I pay $850 each month for housing. The rent in my country included these utilities: electricity, telephone, water, garbage, Internet, and gas. The rent here includes these utilities: rent, electricity, and Internet.
If I could change one thing about my house in this country, I would have a bigger kitchen.  If I had enough money I would buy a new house, because I like living in a house.


Home Sweet Home

In Iraq, I lived in a house. Now I am living in an apartment. My home in Iraq had 4 rooms. Now my home has 1 room. What I liked about my home in Iraq was that there was a big garden. What I like about my apartment in this country is a pool. We paid about $20 each month for housing in my native country. Now I pay about $830 each month for my apartment. The rent in my native country included these utilities: electricity, telephone and water. The rent in this country includes these utilities: electricity, telephone and water. In this country, I would like to move to another house or apartment because my apartment is small.

Home Sweet Home

In El Salvador, I lived in a house.  Now I am living in a house, too. My home in my native country had four rooms. Now, my home has five rooms.  What I liked about my home in my native country was that there was a big backyard. What I like about my home in this country is that it is a good home with a nice backyard, a garden and four bedrooms. We paid about $200 each month for housing in my native country. Now we pay about $700 each month for housing. The rent in my country included these utilities: electricity, water, and telephone.  The rent here includes these utilities: electricity, gas and water. If I could change one thing about my home in this country, I would change the kitchen. If I had enough money, I would move to another house or apartment because I need a bigger house.


Home Sweet Home

In Moldova, I lived in an apartment. Now I am living in apartment, too. My home in Moldova had two rooms. Now my home has two rooms, too. What I liked about my home in Moldova was the kitchen. We paid about $75 each month for housing in Moldova. Now we pay about $850 each month for housing. The rent in Moldova includes these utilities: electricity, garbage, Internet, water and telephone. The rent here includes these utilities: electricity, rent and Internet. If I could change one thing about my home in this country, I would move to another house because my family needs more space.


Thursday, June 7, 2012


End-of-quarter testing for all ESL students (morning and evening) will be on June 19, 2012. Please, let your teacher know if you will be absent on that day. No make-up tests.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 23, 2012

Dear Mom,

I want to tell you about life in US. Now in the USA, it is spring time and everything is green again and warmer outside.
In Minnesota they have four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. Spring time is the time of the year when snow melt away because the temperature get warmer and all plants come back to life and trees and grass turn green. It feels so good to be warm again. Everything around my house is so beautiful and I grow some vegetables like tomatoes, lemongrass… My house has big yard and much grass. The grass in the yard grow longer I need to cut about every week in the spring time. Cutting grass at home we have a machine called a riding lawnmower I drive it just a car and it cut grass short underneath the yard so big it take me about four hour to cut grass all. It is work but it feels good to be warm outside and not has to wear coat.
Mom I will write to you again about summer time. Love you and miss you so much. I love you.

Your daughter,


To Elizabeth and Judith

May 23, 2012

Dear nieces:

I want to tell you about life in the US. The lifestyle is different than our country. I like but sometimes I don’t feel good, because I miss you and de things I did when live there. I think come back some day, but now I am going to the English class. I like because I am learning to write English. Sometimes it is difficult for me, but the teachers are very nice and helpful to the students. I am happy now is summer. The city is beautiful and there are many lakes, parks, and places for walking and riding bicycles. There are museums, too. I hope someday you can come here. Take care, nieces. I hope to see you soon. I love you very much and God bless you!


Aunt Gloria

Monday, May 7, 2012


Sometimes people think of things in life that could be different for them. This is when we think about “what ifs.” If I could be any person, I would be a nun because I could help poor children go to school. If I could be any animal, I would be a tiger , because a tiger in my country is the king. If I could be any color, I would be blue because blue is the color of the oceans. If I could live anywhere, I would live in Sydney because it’s so beautiful to live in. If I could speak any language, I would speak Japanese because I want to visit Japan. If I could do any job, I would be a doctor because I could help people be healthy. If I found $1,000,000, I would travel around the world, because I could visit different countries. If I could change one thing in the world, I would have a world with no war. Helen


Sometimes people think of things in life that could be different for them. This is when we think about, “what ifs”. If I could be any person, I would be J-lo because I like dancing. If I could be any animal, I would be an elephant because it is my favorite animal. If I could be any color, I would be blue because it is not a bright color. If I could live anywhere, I would live in Paris because there are many beautiful countries there. If I could speak any language, I would speak French because I like the way it sounds. If I could do any job, I would be a nuurse because I can help people. If I could travel any anywhere in the world, I would go to the rocky mountains because I could see the animal. If I found $1,000.000 I would pay off my house because I don’t want to pay a lot of bill. If I could change one thing in the world, I would have no more poor people because, I don’t like to see poor children. Marina


Sometimes people think of things in life that could be different for them. This is when we think about, “What ifs.” If I could be any person, I would be Bill Gates because I would be rich and I could help people. If I could be any animal, I would be whale because it is kind and big. If I could be any color, I would be gold because jewelry is beautiful. If I could live anywhere, I would live in paradise because it is great place for people to live. If I could speak any language, I would speak French because it’s beautiful and the most romantic language. If I could do any job, I would be a captain because I would see the world. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go around the earth because I would like to see the whole If I found $ 1,000,000, I would open a small business because a big business needs a lot more money. If I could change one thing in the world, I would wish a paradise on earth to come because life would be good. Gennady


Sometimes People think of things in life that could be different for them .This is when we think about “What ifs”. If I could be any person, I would be a nun because I could help orphans. If I could be any animal, I would be a dog because it is loyal. If I could live anywhere, I would live London because it is a historical place. If I could speak any language, I would speak Italian because it is a colony of my native country. If I could do any job, I would be a lawyer because I could bring justice to children. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to New York because it is a special place If I found $ 1,000,000 I would help the homeless because I could help people to be happy. If I could change one thing in the world, I would have world peace because people would not suffer. Yeshiharek


Sometimes people think of things in life that could be different for them.This is when we think about “what ifs” If I could be any person,I would be mother Teresa,because I could help orphans. If I could be any animal,I could be a lion,because it is strong and king of the jungle. If I could be any color,I would be red,because heart is red. If I could live anywhere,I would live in Paris,because it’s very beautiful. If I could speak any language,I would speak Spanish,because it is my favorite language. If I could do any job,I would be a teacher,because I like to teach. If I could travel anywhere in the world,I would go to hollywood, because it is a historial place. If found $1000,000,I would buy car and a big clock, because I don’t have one. If I could change one thing in the world,I would have world peace,because people would not suffer. Ornella


Sometimes people think of things in life that could be different for them. This is when we think about “what ifs”. If I could be any person, I would be actress Julia Roberts because I think being an actress is an interesting job. If I could be any animal, I would be a bird because I could fly anywhere I want and I could look at different places. If I could be any color, I would be blue because it is the color of the sky. If I could live anywhere, I would live on an island because it is exotic. If I could speak any language, I would speak Arabic because many people speak this language. If I could do any job, I would be an international interpreter because I like English. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to Israel because I like this place. If I found $ 1000.000, I would buy a house and different things and help my relatives. If I could change one thing in the world, I would make all people Christian because then there will be peace in the world, and all people would be happy. Margarita


Sometimes people think of things in life that could be different for them. This is when we think about, “what ifs”. If I could be any person, I would be President Obama because I would open more businesses and give more opportunities to people who have no job. If I could be any animal, I would be an eagle because I could fly to any place and see miles away. If I could be any color, I would be green because it is the color of nature. If I could live anywhere, I would in California because the weather good. If I could speak any language, I would speak Chinese because is the language I don’t speak. If I could do any job I would be a Doctor because I would help poor people or those who don’t Insurances. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to Spain because. I like travel different country? If I found $1.000.000 I would help my family and friends because some people don’t have money. Jose E.