Monday, October 15, 2012

Wedding in my Native Country

In my country Moldova a wedding can be in a church or in a government office. A woman can get married at age 18. A man can get married at age 21. Parents help prepare the wedding. Woman wears white dress.  Man wears a black suit. Sometimes   parents pay for the wedding, and sometimes people who get married pay.  A wedding   is usually   around   200 people.  Some people give money as gifts, and some give things for the house. Some people celebrate in restaurants or special places. People eat traditional food,    potatoes, salad pork and chicken. After people eat traditional food they dance, sing and play different games. Then they eat fruit, cake, and chocolate. The   day   after   the   wedding   people go on honeymoon to Turkey, Romania.  Italy.  Ukraine.   Some   people   never   go   on honeymoon, because it is very expensive or they work. After the wedding some people live with parents and others without parents.


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