Monday, May 7, 2012


Sometimes people think of things in life that could be different for them.This is when we think about “what ifs” If I could be any person,I would be mother Teresa,because I could help orphans. If I could be any animal,I could be a lion,because it is strong and king of the jungle. If I could be any color,I would be red,because heart is red. If I could live anywhere,I would live in Paris,because it’s very beautiful. If I could speak any language,I would speak Spanish,because it is my favorite language. If I could do any job,I would be a teacher,because I like to teach. If I could travel anywhere in the world,I would go to hollywood, because it is a historial place. If found $1000,000,I would buy car and a big clock, because I don’t have one. If I could change one thing in the world,I would have world peace,because people would not suffer. Ornella

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