Thursday, March 14, 2013

My Favorite Holiday

When I was a child my favorite holiday was Khmer New Year because Khmer New Year is my religious celebration. A special way I celebrated this holiday was wearing new clothes, cooking, playing, drinking and dancing. We celebrate birthdays in my native country by making birthday cakes and cooking for family and friends. In my native country New Year day celebrated on April 12-13-14. The biggest difference between wedding celebration in my country and this country is that in my country they are married two days they wear many wedding dresses and many colors but here they wear only one wedding dress white color and the celebration only one day. In my native country they exchange gifts at this holidays the gifts are money and clothes. The most popular holiday of calendar year in my native country is Khmer New Year. Of all the holiday in this country I most enjoy Thanksgiving because my husband doesn’t work on that day. My family gets together and we cook and eat. We should create a holiday to celebrate hamburger and ice cream. Since coming her I’ve celebrated these American Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year.


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