Thursday, May 16, 2013

My Family and Hometown

My native country is Moldova. My native country is in Europe. My favorite room in my childhood home was the kitchen. I loved when my sister and I talked, joked and sang songs. In my country miss most of all my son and my sisters and brothers. I don’t parents. I have four brothers and three sisters. I have five children, four boys and one daughter, first boy is 35 years second is 32 third 28, fourth is 23 and fifth 22 years old. I like to cook for family Moldovan food like soup, cheese pie, meat stew. I also like to go to church together. In the USA I live in apartment, there is a kitchen, living room, two bedrooms, and a bathroom. I have many neighbors. I like my life in Minnesota.


My Hometown

MY name is Juan. MY native city is Nayarit , Mexico, My favorite room in my childhood house was the Living room, because I played there with my brother and friend. We played video games and cars. I miss my family and friends because my mother is a good cook and my friend are like brothers. My parents still live in Mexico. I have one brother and three sisters that also live in Mexico. My family is very close. They celebrate Holidays together. There are many nieces and nephews who are young and new to the family I hope to see them soon. I am new to the United States. I came here nine months ago. I work every day and go to school too. I live in U.S with friends in one apartment. I like it because it is a good room and the bathroom is big.


My Hometown

My native country is Haiti. It’s an island in the Caribbean Sea and Central American. When I was a child my favorite room was the bedroom because sometimes my sister and brothers and I played together, told stories and jokes that were funny. I miss my husband, my parents, my friends and also the food and the weather. My parents are very close and they love their children they taught us to love each other. I love them. I have four brothers. They are married. One lives in Paris. He has two girls and one boy. Three of my brothers in Guadeloupe. The first one has two and one boy. The second one has two girls and the third one has two boys and one girl. My sister lives in my native country and has no husband or children. My husband’s name Waldimy Benoit. He lives in my country and works there. We don’t have any children but we will try maybe next year. I like to cook dinner when there are holidays, go to parties, share my opinion, go to the park. My house is big. There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two living rooms , one dining room and a kitchen, one storage room one garage and there are many trees in the yard.


My Family and Hometown

My name is Alina .My native country is Moldova . It’s a small country in Europe. When I was a child I lived in a house. My favorite place in my house is the living room because I liked to sit in front of the fireplace. I have three sisters and one brother. My parents are dead. I miss my family. I am married for 4 years. My husband’s name is Mihail. We have two children; one boy and one girl. My son Daniel is 3 years old and his sister Emily is one year. Daniel likes to listen to music and watch cartoons. I like to go with my family to the park, and church. My sisters are married and they live in Moldova. I have three nephews and three nieces. When I lived in Moldova. I took care of them. I miss that very much. I love my big family. Today I live in the U.S. My family lives in a two bedroom apartment. I like my live in Minnesota because we have more good opportunities for life.


My Family and Hometown

My name is Kimchhean. My native country is Cambodia. It is in Asia. I came in the U.S two years ago. I am so happy to be here. When I was little I lived in the house near river. My favorite room was the kitchen because I like to cook. I miss my family and food and my religion celebration. My mother is a housewife. My father was a seamstress. He was a wonderful father and I love them very much. I have two brothers and one sister. They all live in Cambodia. I am married. My husband name is Tim. I have three children, one boy and two girls. The older is Dalin 18, Hak is 16, and Dalen is 14 years old. My family and I like to go to my sister house in St. Paul. We make Khmer food like Khmer pan cakes and soup, steak for dinner and we all eat together. My house is medium. It has four bedrooms and two bathrooms and a big yard. I like my house very much because it is quiet and has big yard.


My Family and Hometown

My name is Godelive, I am from Congo. My native country is the Democratic Republic of Congo. My native country is the biggest country in Africa because many people from different countries lived there. I lived in an apartment. My childhood home is very nice and favorite room is kitchen because, I cooked food there. I miss my native country very much because my sister, nieces and nephews are there. My parents died when I was 2 years old and my aunt took care for me and my sister. I am married. My husband’s name is Jean-Claude. I have two boys and two girls. Ornella is our first child, then Prince, Gael and Jenny. I don’t have any other family in America; only friend. My husband is my advisor because when I remember about my sister, He gives me good advice. I like to do things with my family. Every Sunday, We go to church together. I live in an apartment. The rooms are very nice. I like my house a lot.


My Family and Country

My native country is India. It is in Asia. My childhood home was very small. My favorite room was my bedroom. I miss my mother and food. My parents always took care of me. I have four brothers. I am married. I have two children. My son is twelve years old, and my daughter is ten years old. In summer time my family goes to the park and enjoys it. I make some food that my children like. In the US, my house is very small. In my country my house is very big. Sometimes my cousins come to my house here and then we have a problem because my house is very small. My house here doesn’t have a lot of space. My house doesn’t have any storage. Some time big parties in my home are not possible because the house is small. My house here doesn’t have a lot of space. My house doesn’t have any storage. Some time big parties in my home are not possible because the house is small. I’d like to have a big because a lot of my relatives could come to my home and celebrate the holidays. In my country holidays are celebrated in my home. I make good food. A lot of my friends and relatives cousins come to my house. In my country people celebrate holidays together. Sometime my friend makes sweets and another friend makes chicken rice vegetable and a lot of sweet. My friend’s children and my children together play outside and enjoy it a lot of women all together go shopping and go outside. We purchase new clothes jewelry and sometimes we give gifts to friends. I like my country.


My Family and Hometown

My name is Veronica Lopez. I from Puebla, Mexico. My country is close to U.S. When I was a child I lived in a house. My favorite room was a kitchen because I made tortillas with my hands and ate at the same time. I miss my family, the, food the river and the Holidays. My mother lives in Mexico. She is very friendly with everybody. She is always worried about me. She is 50years old and she plays soccer. I have two brothers and two sisters. They live in Mexico. Only one of my sisters is here. She lives close to me. Her husband died two years ago. She has four children. I have four children three daughters and one son who name is Elias he is 16 years. My daughters Alma, Abby and Giselle are 15,13 and 6 years old. I like to go to the park with my family every Sunday. In the evening we go to the lakes. In winter we go to the mall and sometimes we go to the movie theater. I live in a mobile home. I like it because it is big. I have two bedrooms, one bathroom kitchen and my living room. I have to pay more for the yard because it is big but I like it and so do children. I’m happy for that I like to plant vegetables and flower.


My Family and Hometown

My native country is Iraq. My native country is in the Middle East. I love my childhood because it is beautiful .My favorite room is the living room because I stayed there with family .We watched TV and we talked together. Sometimes my mother made some things for me and my brothers. I miss my mother and my sister .I also miss food and my house and my school .I miss my friend. I miss everything .My father died last year .My mother is alive .I love my mother because she is special for me because she is the best .I have three brothers and two sisters .I’m married to my husband Azhar .I’m pregnant with me first child now .We eat to gather and go shopping, sit to gather and talk .I live in an apartment with one bed room .I love my apartment is small and I don’t have a garden but it’s nice.


My Family and Hometown

My native country is Cambodia. Cambodia is in Asia .When I lived in childhood home. I liked my bed room. And I stayed with my sister and we played together .Now I miss that most about my country .My parents took care of everything. They gave good advice and taught us my language and knowledge. I have two brothers and three sisters, four nephews and five nieces. I am married with my husband and his name is John. We have one son now. He is ten years old. I like to do many things with my family. On the weekend I can cook food, we eat together. We also like to travel outside the country together .we talk and play a lot and help each other in trouble .I like to give advice and teach my son at home. My son likes to read books a lot. Every Friday I bring him to the library to get new books .sometime I bring him outside to play in a park .my house in the US is nice .I have friend neighbor who talks and makes me feel happy .I like to help my neighbors.


My Family and Hometown

My native country is Russia. My native city is Yekaterinburg. My favorite room in my childhood home was my bedroom, because that is where I slept, exercised, read and talked my friends. I miss my mother. My mother understood me and taught me. She lives in Russia. I have one brother and one sister, they live in Russia. My brother has one son and one daughter. I don’t have children. I like with my family to cook dinner, go to movies, go to village, and go to a swimming pool. My boyfriend and I is my family in the U.S. In summer like swimming and in winter we like alpine skiing. In the U.S. I like cooking, going to movies, running, travelling. I like my life the U.S.


My Family and Hometown

My native country is Moldova. My native country is in East Europe. In my childhood home my favorite room was my bedroom. I miss friends and brother in my native country. I like my mom. She cooks for me, she gives me good advice and she loves me. I have three brothers and one sister. The two brothers are here and my sister is here too. One brother is in my native country and I love my brothers and my sister. I’m not married and I don’t have any children. I like spend time with my family, to go to the park, to have dinner and go together to church. My house in the U.S looks like an apartment. It has two bed rooms. I like my apartment.
