Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 23, 2012

Dear Mom,

I want to tell you about life in US. Now in the USA, it is spring time and everything is green again and warmer outside.
In Minnesota they have four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. Spring time is the time of the year when snow melt away because the temperature get warmer and all plants come back to life and trees and grass turn green. It feels so good to be warm again. Everything around my house is so beautiful and I grow some vegetables like tomatoes, lemongrass… My house has big yard and much grass. The grass in the yard grow longer I need to cut about every week in the spring time. Cutting grass at home we have a machine called a riding lawnmower I drive it just a car and it cut grass short underneath the yard so big it take me about four hour to cut grass all. It is work but it feels good to be warm outside and not has to wear coat.
Mom I will write to you again about summer time. Love you and miss you so much. I love you.

Your daughter,


To Elizabeth and Judith

May 23, 2012

Dear nieces:

I want to tell you about life in the US. The lifestyle is different than our country. I like but sometimes I don’t feel good, because I miss you and de things I did when live there. I think come back some day, but now I am going to the English class. I like because I am learning to write English. Sometimes it is difficult for me, but the teachers are very nice and helpful to the students. I am happy now is summer. The city is beautiful and there are many lakes, parks, and places for walking and riding bicycles. There are museums, too. I hope someday you can come here. Take care, nieces. I hope to see you soon. I love you very much and God bless you!


Aunt Gloria

Monday, May 7, 2012


Sometimes people think of things in life that could be different for them. This is when we think about “what ifs.” If I could be any person, I would be a nun because I could help poor children go to school. If I could be any animal, I would be a tiger , because a tiger in my country is the king. If I could be any color, I would be blue because blue is the color of the oceans. If I could live anywhere, I would live in Sydney because it’s so beautiful to live in. If I could speak any language, I would speak Japanese because I want to visit Japan. If I could do any job, I would be a doctor because I could help people be healthy. If I found $1,000,000, I would travel around the world, because I could visit different countries. If I could change one thing in the world, I would have a world with no war. Helen


Sometimes people think of things in life that could be different for them. This is when we think about, “what ifs”. If I could be any person, I would be J-lo because I like dancing. If I could be any animal, I would be an elephant because it is my favorite animal. If I could be any color, I would be blue because it is not a bright color. If I could live anywhere, I would live in Paris because there are many beautiful countries there. If I could speak any language, I would speak French because I like the way it sounds. If I could do any job, I would be a nuurse because I can help people. If I could travel any anywhere in the world, I would go to the rocky mountains because I could see the animal. If I found $1,000.000 I would pay off my house because I don’t want to pay a lot of bill. If I could change one thing in the world, I would have no more poor people because, I don’t like to see poor children. Marina


Sometimes people think of things in life that could be different for them. This is when we think about, “What ifs.” If I could be any person, I would be Bill Gates because I would be rich and I could help people. If I could be any animal, I would be whale because it is kind and big. If I could be any color, I would be gold because jewelry is beautiful. If I could live anywhere, I would live in paradise because it is great place for people to live. If I could speak any language, I would speak French because it’s beautiful and the most romantic language. If I could do any job, I would be a captain because I would see the world. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go around the earth because I would like to see the whole If I found $ 1,000,000, I would open a small business because a big business needs a lot more money. If I could change one thing in the world, I would wish a paradise on earth to come because life would be good. Gennady


Sometimes People think of things in life that could be different for them .This is when we think about “What ifs”. If I could be any person, I would be a nun because I could help orphans. If I could be any animal, I would be a dog because it is loyal. If I could live anywhere, I would live London because it is a historical place. If I could speak any language, I would speak Italian because it is a colony of my native country. If I could do any job, I would be a lawyer because I could bring justice to children. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to New York because it is a special place If I found $ 1,000,000 I would help the homeless because I could help people to be happy. If I could change one thing in the world, I would have world peace because people would not suffer. Yeshiharek


Sometimes people think of things in life that could be different for them.This is when we think about “what ifs” If I could be any person,I would be mother Teresa,because I could help orphans. If I could be any animal,I could be a lion,because it is strong and king of the jungle. If I could be any color,I would be red,because heart is red. If I could live anywhere,I would live in Paris,because it’s very beautiful. If I could speak any language,I would speak Spanish,because it is my favorite language. If I could do any job,I would be a teacher,because I like to teach. If I could travel anywhere in the world,I would go to hollywood, because it is a historial place. If found $1000,000,I would buy car and a big clock, because I don’t have one. If I could change one thing in the world,I would have world peace,because people would not suffer. Ornella


Sometimes people think of things in life that could be different for them. This is when we think about “what ifs”. If I could be any person, I would be actress Julia Roberts because I think being an actress is an interesting job. If I could be any animal, I would be a bird because I could fly anywhere I want and I could look at different places. If I could be any color, I would be blue because it is the color of the sky. If I could live anywhere, I would live on an island because it is exotic. If I could speak any language, I would speak Arabic because many people speak this language. If I could do any job, I would be an international interpreter because I like English. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to Israel because I like this place. If I found $ 1000.000, I would buy a house and different things and help my relatives. If I could change one thing in the world, I would make all people Christian because then there will be peace in the world, and all people would be happy. Margarita


Sometimes people think of things in life that could be different for them. This is when we think about, “what ifs”. If I could be any person, I would be President Obama because I would open more businesses and give more opportunities to people who have no job. If I could be any animal, I would be an eagle because I could fly to any place and see miles away. If I could be any color, I would be green because it is the color of nature. If I could live anywhere, I would in California because the weather good. If I could speak any language, I would speak Chinese because is the language I don’t speak. If I could do any job I would be a Doctor because I would help poor people or those who don’t Insurances. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to Spain because. I like travel different country? If I found $1.000.000 I would help my family and friends because some people don’t have money. Jose E.


Sometimes people think of things in life that could be different for them. This is when we think about “What ifs”. If I could be any person, I would be Pastor Nancy because I could help people in different situations. If I could be any animal, I would be an eagle because I could be strong and free. If I could speak any language, I would speak French because I like French. If I could do any job, I would be a dentist because I could help people. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to Paris because it is a beautiful place. If I found $1,000.000, I would help children in Mexico because many children live on the streets. If I could change one thing in the world, I would get rid of criminals because there are people who want to live happily. Erika


Sometimes people think of things in life that could be different for them, This is when we think about “what ifs”. If I could be any person, I would be Ronaldo because I like soccer. If I could be any animal, I would be a lion because it is strong and the king of the jungle. If I could speak any language, I would speak Arabic because a lot of people speak this language. If I could do any job, I would be a doctor because I like this profession. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to NJ because my friend lives there. If I found $ 1,000.000, I would buy a new car because I don’t have one. If I could change one thing in the world, I would have peace and no more hungry people because a lot of people suffer. Afanasie


Sometimes people think of things in life that could be different for them. This is when we think about “what ifs”. If I could live anywhere, I would live in Poland because it’s so beautiful. If I could speak any language, I would speak French because this language is melodic. If I could do any job, I would be a musician because I like music very much. If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to Florida because I have never seen an ocean. If I found $ 1,000,000, I would buy a house and help people because I would like a home and I like to help people. If I could change one thing in the world, I would have world peace because people would not suffer. Aksana