Monday, November 23, 2009

My Father

Thirty five years ago my father was so bad about his life; his life was evil, because of the war, little hope of life, little food and unhappy, without appreciation for the future that will come. When, he got married with my mother, he didn’t have expectation of the future because of the Vietnam War.
He had hope of better life and he would need to work hard. First step was plan like how to escape that war, second leave the little he had in his native land, home and relatives; third step begins his life again try their luck with my mother. After all planned, he fled the war with his fishing boat, helping over 20 people, all escaped with little money, few food and fuel to travel to Japan. There they were permitted only one year and they must leave. He did not speak Japanese language only Vietnamese. He worked it hard, in the assemblies of automobiles. One year later he moved to Paraguay with the help of a Catholic church. He began his life back again, all new, language, culture, jobs, food and two little babies.
He determined to continue his life in Paraguay, began to study Spain, worked on farms in the planting of tomatoes, potatoes and some fruits, creation and production of chicken eggs. He worked as selling, servicing of watches, tried everything to keep the family. He learned the culture of parents wondering about the future of his eight children. Five years later he opened his grocery store, with specially food, vegetable, and fruits.

Truc Mai

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