Monday, July 20, 2009

My First Day in The United States

I would like to tell you three things about my first day in U.S. Like feeling, problems and where I lived at first night.
Texas was first state I arrived. It was a good airport, good system to collect the travelers. I was excited to see the American technologies.
I had a lot of problems. The first one was that did not speak English as well as them had no body spoke my language who was waiting for me. So I arrived at 2:00 am. There was no body in the arrival area like any officer or employers to ask them where we can go. I was nervous because most of the people I saw did not speak English. It was a real problem to find the person who was waiting for me.
The first place was a good apartment. The apartment had little furniture and some food. But it was a bad area because all the neighborhood drinking beer outside.
I think this is usually for most of newcomers especially when they did not speak English and no have relatives or friends from their country to collect them.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

must you than read to much books to learn english, congratulations for to study in North Metro.