Monday, May 2, 2011


My Friends in Class
All the students in level 3 are different. Rosa likes American food. Suhad was afraid of spiders. Lon lives in Blaine. Ocari wants to go back to her native country. Suhad came to the U.S. from Asia. Suhad likes traveling. Gennadiy felt happy yesterday.

The best gift is my health. My God gave it to me. It is a special gift because without health you couldn`t do anything in your life, so I thank my God every moment. He gave me two eyes to see beautiful things in the world and to read good stories so I can understand everything in life. He also gave me two ears to hear the sounds. He gave me a nose and gave me hands and legs and a heart and many other things I cannot count. Each one of these works differently. Do you agree with me that it is a really special gift?

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