Monday, May 23, 2011

Traditional Costume

This is a picture about Hmong traditional clothes. Every New Year, Party or wedding everybody wear the clothes like this, there are many colors and many style. The hat cost about $ 35.00, the shirt and dress about $100.00, and necklace about $ 50.00.


Symbol of Mexico City

One of the most representative symbols of Mexico City and the whole country the angel Independence
Stands majestically in paseso de la reforma.
The first stone of this renowned monument was placed in January 2nd 1902 by Porfirio Diaz .The project was direct by the architect Antonio Rivas Mercado, was also responsible for the Juarez theatre in the city of Guanaguato.



I could like to work at a daycare, because I love chirlden. I can draw,sing and dance with children.
But I don’t have a daycare lisence. I don’t know how to get to a daycare lisence. So now I am leaning
Einglish is better ,I would go to another school to get a licence.
Now I wolunteer in my neighborhood, they have about ten kids, every Tuesday.I teach children
How to draw,sing and dance. Some students go to school. There are a fewkids with me, their name’s
Tim and adem, Tim likes to exercise, he is smert and a good thinker , but he dosen’t like to wear clothes. When we exercise, he gets cold, I tell him to wear clothes, because he likes to exercise.Aden is a very good ftudent too He likes to paint and draw. He works hard, he is very serious about drawing. I like
His paintings.
I miss the kids , I love kids I, I buy gifts for them draw and they like me, I like to teach them draw, they like to teach me einglish, we sing and dance together, we have a lot of fun.


Monday, May 9, 2011

My Mother

My mother’s name is Zanip. She was born in Iraq in October. When she finished school, she became a housewife. She was 32 years old when I was born. My mother has 10 children. My mother has a special talent for sewing and cooking. I take after my mother in this way, smile and take. I look like my mother. One important thing is my mother teaches well. My mother helped me when l was sick. She always encouraged me to do a good job. My mother likes to visit. When l did something good in school or at home, my mother rewarded me by buying me clothes. When l did something bad in school or at home, my mother punished me by giving me no money.


My Mother

My mother‘s name was Nuriah and she was born in Iraq on January 7, 1934. She didn’t learn in school because at that time there were a few schools in my city, but she learned in life‘s school to become a good mother and how to love other people and she taught me that. My mother carried all the love in the world in her heart. She was very quiet and she was good at cooking. My mother had 11 children. I was the second child. I remember when I got a sick, she stayed up all night holding me tight. So who should I take good care of, giving all my love, who should I thank the most? My mother! Because who used to hear me before I could talk, who used to hold me before I could walk and when I fell who picked me up, cleaned my cut? No one but my mother because who used to hug me and buy me new clothes, comb my hair, blow my nose and when I cried who wiped my tears, knew my fears, who really cared…my mother!


My Mother

My mother’s name is Maximina Ortega. She was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco on May 4, 1945. She didn’t finish school because she needed to help my grandma. She worked a lot when she was a child. She was 38 years old when I was born. My mother has a special talent for cooking. She loved and had a lot of friends. My mother helped me when I was sick. She always told me to respect people so that people would respect me. My mother loves flowers, especially red roses. When I worked and had problems, she always encouraged me by saying, “Don’t worry, I’m here with you”. When I did something good in school or at home, my mother rewarded me by letting me play in the park and giving me money for a soda and chips. When I did something bad in school or at home, my mother punished me by not letting me go outside for two or three days. And sometimes my mother took her shoes and hit me with them. I will remember my mother because she always gave me permission to play in the park and at houses of friends. When I need my mother, she is always near me. I love my mother.


My Mother

My mother’s name was Xiuyun Zhao. She was born in China. Her birthday was July 15, 1927. She didn’t know how to write her name, because she didn’t go to school. When she was 18 years old, she got married. Then she became a housewife. She was 36 years old when I was born. My mother had 8 children. My mother had a special talent for cooking. I take after my mother in this way: I am courteous and patient. I look like my mother. One important thing my mother taught me was to love other people and take care of poor children. My mother liked to train me to become a good farmer. When I did something good in school or at home, my mother rewarded me by praising me. When I did something bad in school or at home, my mother punished me by hitting me or by criticizing me. I think I had a very good mother. I love my mother very much.


Monday, May 2, 2011


All the students in level 3 are different. Hussein likes American food. Tatyana came to the U.S. from Europe. Tatyana is afraid of spiders. Suhad felt sad on her first day in the U.S. Lon lives in Blaine, MN. Ocari wants to go back to her native country. Hussein came to the U.S. from Asia. Riyadh likes the weather in MN better than in his native country. Riyadh had a good job in his native country. Riyadh likes traveling. Suhad felt happy yesterday.



Hussein Hussein
My job in Iraq was photographer .l love my career.
I want to work as a photographer in America. Now
I’m studying English. I want to go college to get a
license to work. To help my family I sometimes
Take picture of family at home and outside. I take
pictures of flowers and any animals in the park.
I love to take photographs outside in the summer and
winter. I have about 500 photos flowers and animals
In Minnesota, I hope to do an exhibition of photography
But it is expensive. Sometimes I teach photography to
my children. They like to work with me. Last year l made
DVD for friends and teachers at my school and they love
this. Presented DVDs to everyone in my school, teachers
and friends because I love them all.

My Friends in Class

All the students in Level 3 are different. Tatyana likes American food. Gennadiy came to the U.S. from Europe. Rosa is afraid of spiders. Suhad lives in Blaine, MN. Ocari likes the weather in MN better than in her native country. She had a good job in her native country. Rosa likes traveling and felt happy yesterday.


My Friends in Class
All the students in level 3 are different. Rosa likes American food. Suhad was afraid of spiders. Lon lives in Blaine. Ocari wants to go back to her native country. Suhad came to the U.S. from Asia. Suhad likes traveling. Gennadiy felt happy yesterday.

The best gift is my health. My God gave it to me. It is a special gift because without health you couldn`t do anything in your life, so I thank my God every moment. He gave me two eyes to see beautiful things in the world and to read good stories so I can understand everything in life. He also gave me two ears to hear the sounds. He gave me a nose and gave me hands and legs and a heart and many other things I cannot count. Each one of these works differently. Do you agree with me that it is a really special gift?


My house is in Russia. I liked my house when I was a child very much. My house had five rooms: one bedroom for my parents, one bedroom for my brothers, one bedroom for my sisters and me and a big living room and family room. My house had a big yard and garden. There were many apple, cherry, green pear trees, raspberry plants and vines with red and green grapes. There were also many vegetables and flowers. My house had a big driveway. I like my house because I was born there.


My Friends in Class

All the students in level 3 are different. Hussein likes American food. Suhad is afraid of spiders. Hussein wants to go back to his native country. Lon came to the U.S. from Asia. Yolanda feels tired today.



I go regularly to school and I like learning English.
I sometimes walk to the stores. When I don’t work,
I stay at home and clean, cook, and visit my friends.
Together we like to pray.



All the students in Level 3 are different. Gennadiy came to the U.S from Europe. Rosa is afraid of spiders. Lon Lives in Blaine, MN. Ocari wants to go back to her native country. Suhad came to the U.S from Asia. Hussein came to the U.S. last year. Tatyana had a good job in her native country. Suhad felt happy yesterday.

Personal Memories

My real name is Rosalba. I have a long story to tell. It was a mistake and it is very funny. My mother’s friend picked my name but the problem is she never knew who family was. We had one girl with the name Rosa. She is older. In my country, Mexico, it is very popular for a best friend from the mother’s side to pick a baby’s name. We don’t have a choice. After that, father, mother and friend go together to the church and the pastor covers the baby with clothes and signs papers. They go home to have a party for friends. I use Rosa only for my middle name because the truth is my real name is Rosalba. The problem is everybody calls me Rosa. I don’t have any problem with this but I don’t like it and I don’t have any idea what my name means.


My friends in class

All the students in Level 3 are different. Tatyana likes American food. Lon felt sad on his first day in the U.S. Suhad lives in Blaine, MN. Hussein wants to go back to his native country. Yolanda feels tired today. Hussein came to the U.S. last year. Gennadiy had a good job in his native country and Riyadh likes traveling.


Personal Memories

I remember my favorite piece of clothing when I was a child because it was funny. My mother went shopping in the city. My mother gave me a pair of shorts. The shorts were nice and comfortable. I remember they had stripes and squares of different colors. I remember wearing them all the time because they were my favorite shorts. When I got older the shorts didn’t fit me as well as they used to. So, I stopped wearing them.



Suzanne is a teacher at College of Fine Arts. Suzanne is guiding her students to nature. She shows them the things that are interesting to notice. They are walking through nature and taking new photographs. When they finish work they go back to College. They will exhibit their work there. After graduating from College, they want to do this type of job. They are happy and love what they do. When they finish College they want to travel and create art to convey what they do to younger generations.



One day Pete and Ann saved money to go to Africa. They took a flight from South America to Africa. Suddenly they heard a flop. The airplane broke in the desert Pete and Ann came out and looked for anyone to fix the plane. Ann was crying. They didn’t know what to do. They walked, ran and jogged to the hill. They sat down and called for help. A man came and said, “I will take you home, but you need to pay me 5 million dollars. If you don’t pay me I won’t take you home.” They said, “Take us and we will pay you when we get home.”
