Monday, August 17, 2009

A Good Place to Visit in America

A good place to visit in America is California. I went to California with my family in 1999. California is very big and beautiful state. Weather in that state is very hot.
When I came to California I was excited how many beautiful cities are in California. I was visit L.A. Sacramento, San Diego and Long Beach. I was enjoying everything in this beautiful place palm trees and ocean. I love waves and breeze.
I want to tell about special place in California. It is Loma Linda. Loma Linda is a very small city. And a special place in that city is big Hospital called-“Loma Linda University and Medical Center”. The Hospital is very famous and important place in the World, because in that “Medical Center” doctors did the first heart transplant surgery long time ago.
Twice a year they do free surgery for people who can’t pay but need help. There make very special surgeries and Medical Center can help people from any place on the world.
I was surprised how friendly people were in Loma Linda. Everybody said “Hi” to each other all the time like they know you.
If you will go to California you can visit Loma Linda and see Medical Center and many interesting things in there. I hope you will love it as much as I do.


An Important Day

Let me tell you about a worst day in my life. That is 11/7/06 at 3:00 P.M. I had injury by the machine I worked at factory. I will never forget it.
I decided to leave my country and came to the U.S. I wanted to do anything I can for the better my family. I did work hard every day, sometimes in the winter. I worked outside. It was very cold.
After two years work hard, I had some money, but didn’t have benefits and insurance, I was looking for a new job, and I had it. I very liked this job, because I like to work with machine. But after five months, I had an injury from it.
Today, two years and a half, since I had the injury, I am often angry and sad. I don’t want and don’t like anything. I want to stay alone at home only.
In my life, I have cried two times only. First my mother died, and second time is that day. I will never forget it, because I became handicapped.


An Important Day

Have you ever thought you knew someone very well and then found out that you hardly knew that person at all? Let me explain what happened.
I was playing at the playground with other kids and we had a lot of fun. We used the monkey bars, a bike and something else. Once I decided to make some toys from the small pieces of wood. So I used a knife, but I didn’t know about safety with this tool. When a ship toy was almost done, I cut my finger deeply and it bled a lot. I didn’t know what I could do to stop it.
My older brother without fear picked me up from the playground and got me aid and ordered a taxi. When the car came we went to the hospital. That happened 26 years ago, but I remember what he did exactly. It is important to know what you need to do for first aid.


An Important Day

Everybody can remember some days, when life was changed so much. It`s happened with me when I came to US, when I got married. But I was so exiting when I learn – I was pregnant. From this moment I was a mother waiting for my first child.
I was married woman. I spend interesting time with friends. But I felt something new; I was preparing to have my baby. I saw him on monitor, I ate so much, and I prepared room and necessities for my baby.
It was October 22. I went to hospital in morning. I can`t to give birth to my son so long time. Something was wrong. And my doctor made decision to do operation. We were in operation room, I didn`t see moment of son`s birth. But the doctor showed me my baby in the morning. I forgot all my troubles, my bad feelings. It seems that all reporters of world`s magazines come to take pictures of him. He is the best! I never saw before so nice and sweet baby.
My life has changed. I take care of my child every day. I am so happy to see him growing, his first steps, first words. My life is fulfilled with joy. And I teach him and hope he will be a kind person in future.
To be mother is God`s blessing. It makes us better, we have responsibility with children, receive more patience. Every day is more interesting like never before.


The Best Place to visit in Egypt

The pyramid is the best place to visit when you are in Egypt Cairo. It is amazing. Also the Egyptian Museums are full of history. I would like you to tray the Egyptian food and of course to go the Nile River.
The Pyramids they are in Giza Cairo. Cairo is the capital of Egypt. They names are Khufu, Khaefra and Menkaura. They have the mummies in a room at the top.
Also the Egyptian museums very amazing because it is many stories in history you will like to hear about it.
The best part you well like to ride a boat by the Nile River with the beautiful weather it is lovely and also the food. The shish kebab, Flafel and for desert, baklava.
I think you will like the beautiful place in a beautiful country.


What School Means to Me?

I would like to tell you about how school is important to me. School is very important because it will give me hope for the future. I also learn more important things. It also helps me to find a very good job for in the future.
School is very hard but it is very important to be in school every day. If school is not hard then it is not important, right? School means it will help me to find a good life. I hoped I’ll be a nurse or a teacher. That why I was go to school every day. But someday I do not come to school because I have to take care of my grandma at home. But I try to go to school every day and on time.
I also learned more important things like writing and reading and how to write and how to read. I learned about English and how to find a job.
In my future I really want to be a home nurse. I really want to have a good job. It will change my life better than now. I hope school will help me to find my future plan.


What School Means to Me

School is very important to me. Without education, I am not going to have a future. It’s good for me to come here to study every day.
It is very hard for me to learn English. Examples: grammar, sentences, and reading. But I think it’s very important to me. I will try very hard to finish my GED for my future.
Now, I plan to go back to college. I was accepted to Anoka Technical College on Jan 2010. First I need to pass the test before I can get in. I need to learn how to write sentences, understand grammar, reading, and math.
My major degree is two years. I am going to become a health care technologist. It is hard for me, I need to attend the school every day and on time. It is important to my life.
I will try work hard to get my degree. Then I will get better skills. I will find a good future. I think school is important to me.


The Best Place to Visit in Iraq

Baghdad is wonderful place to visit Tigher River, Aboo Nooas Street, restaurants, parks, hotels and many different places.
The capital of Iraq is Baghdad and live there 8 to 9 million people. Tigher River cross Baghdad and make it two parts, the first one is Al-karkh, and the second one is Al-risafaa. Between them are many bridges. I like Baghdad because I was born there.
The nice place to visit is Aboo Nooas Street. It is famous in Baghdad. There are many resturants, parks, hotels. The special food in the restaurants is “Masgoof” this is a fish but cooked in special way.
A lot of people from Europe came to Baghdad. The entertainment for them is Arabic coffee. Make it in a special way, different in many countries.
I like this place because when I was a child my Dad and my Mom with my brothers and sisters went many times there.
I hope to take my kids to see this place. I wish to repeat this time.



When coming to the United States, the first place that I visited is California. It is located in the west of America. My family and I came there to visit my relatives.
California has good weather. You can see the beautiful seashore, the forests with many kinds of trees, the hills, and many shops that sell everything.
California is a famous place that you should visit. The seashore is very beautiful so you can swim in the sea in order to enjoy waves to beat your face. On other hand, you can travel into the forests where you can discover many rare trees and animals. You also can buy everything what you want because it has many stores to sell a lot of things from cheap things to expensive things.
California is an interesting place but the price of everything is very expensive. I think it will have the ways to decrease the prices in order to visit more and more people.
To me, California is the best place that I visited. I feel living in my house when I came there because the weather is very good and many interesting places to visit. I believe California will be the best interesting place to travel in the future.


The Best Place to Visit in Russia

The best place to visit in Russia is the capital city - Moscow. Moscow is a very big and beautiful city.
One special place to visit in Moscow is the Red Square. It is in the center of Moscow. Also, you can visit the zoo. In the zoo you will see many animals and special bears from Siberia.
After you can visit restaurants and taste Russian food. Food in the restaurants is very expensive. You will enjoy the delicious Russian food.
I like Moscow because I lived there for many years. Any season I felt comfortable in Moscow.
When you visit Moscow you will see how hard it is to rent a car. If you want to visit some place, you have to take a bus or a taxi. In Moscow people look very rich, but not friendly.
Welcome to Russia.


A Good Place to Visit in Rostov

Rostov is best place to visit any season. A person takes pleasure in the beauty of the land or enjoys outdoor activities. Here lives 3 million people and about 3 million illegal people who are finding a job.
The central street has two miles longer, but at this street a lot of beautiful buildings to see and more other build. Like a casino, hotel, parks with attractions, school, restaurants, theaters, university and in the end the street there is a large train stop.
Most people use buses, but tourists can order a bus or taxi. The national food is borsh and pancake. People in the Rostov are friendly. I was born in Rostov. I wish you have a visit to Rostov and enjoy traveling from train.


Weddings in Belarus

Traditional national weddings in Belarus lasted seven days. Nowadays a wedding lasts for one or two days. A bride wears a snow-white dress. A groom wears a black or white suit. They usually get married in church. Bride and groom exchange rings. Usually a bride takes her husband’s family name. The newly-married couple takes a seven-day honeymoon. They travel to another country, mostly newly-married travel to the hot place or voyage. Newly-married usually live apart from their families. In my country gifts given to the bride and groom are very expensive. This is usually like that because people think marriage is forever.


Weddings in Belarus

In my country most couples get married in a restaurant, church or home. The law allows people to get married at 18 years old. The bride and groom arrange when to get married. The bride wears a white dress and bridal veil. The groom wears a black suit. First weddings are paid by the parents. Gifts that are given are diverse, maybe a car and a house. Rings are worn on the middle finger on the right hand. Newly-married couples take a honeymoon that last one or two weeks. The month of May is a bad month to get married in; it is bad luck. Divorce is common my country.


Weddings in Russia

In my country women usually get married when they are 20 years old and young men in his 22’s. Before getting married they are friends. A man gives flowers to a woman. When he decides to get married he gives a diamond rind to a woman. Groom’s parents together with a groom ride to bride’s house. A bride and her parents cook a special dinner for everybody. They have conversation with each other, and decide on the wedding’s date. On the wedding day, the bride has a beautiful white dress and a pretty veil on her head. A groom is in a black or white suit. Groom’s family gives half of the money for the wedding and bride’s family gives another half. They invite 200-300 guests for the party. They have good music. The guests, friends and relatives give presents for the bride and groom. The wedding lasts for 5-8 hours. And then, the bride and groom go to a park with their relatives. Here they take many good pictures for memories. The wedding is awesome!


Weddings in Laos

Laos has wedding traditions that are totally unique, but mostly they have been taken directly from their culture. Most couples get married at a house, very seldom they go to a restaurant or church. Men are usually over 18 years old and women are over 15 years old. Marriages are arranged by the groom’s parents; and the groom’s parents have to give a money fee for a girl, about 5 thousand dollars. But after that, the bride’s parents will give the gift or present for the bride such as gold, money for a girl. Mostly the bride and groom dress like their culture. Both the bride and groom will either wear wedding bands or won’t; it doesn’t matter. They never take a honeymoon. After the wedding the bride has to stay with the groom’s family and take the husband’s family name.


Weddings in Vietnam

In my country people usually get married early. The average age is 22 years old for women and about 28 for men. In my country parents are often superstitious about the wedding. Weddings always have 2 days the first day is for the family of a bride it doesn’t have family of the groom, this is a party and it is usually for lunch. The party has a bride and a groom, the bride’s parents, relatives and friends. It starts at 11:00 am and usually the party takes place at home. When all the people come, everybody looks at the pedestal with the groom and bride on it. The beautiful bride wears a white dress. The bride’s father talks about the party and says thank you for coming to this wedding. After that the bride and groom cut the cake, open wine and kiss with a big clap from the crowd. They start to eat. The bride and the groom go around every table. They are happy for the wedding. The bride and groom choose food but it usually has soup, and, eggrolls, fried shrimp, something for appetizers, and chicken, beef, pork, and seafood. The last thing is some fruit for dessert. People who come to the wedding party usually give money for bride and groom. When the party is done, the groom goes back his house and waits for the bride to come the next day. The next morning family, relatives and some groom’s friends go to the bride’s house where the groom’s father talks to the bride’s parents. After that the bride comes in and stands next to the groom. The groom gives flowers to the bride. The groom’s mother gives her earrings and a necklace. So the groom and bride ring and the family of a bride give her something like money, gold, or jewelry. The bride goes with the husband’s family to his house. They will have party at his house too. Now newlyweds go on a honeymoon after the wedding, but we didn’t have that tradition before. They need to stay at the groom’s house for the first three day. After three days they can move to an apartment if they want. In my country we don’t change the last name after getting married, when we have baby they get the father’s last name.

Thanh Vy


In my country weddings are very popular. It usually takes two weeks to prepare for a wedding. A day before, usually at night, the bride with her family goes to the house of the groom. In the house of the groom they prepare meal and it is accompanied with wine. After the dinner, they are married by the court house. They next day they are married in church. After, they go first to the house of the groom where the engaged couple dances to the first song; and after parents and friends do the same in the house of the bride. The bride only can choose a dress of white or black color and the groom’s suit can be only white or beige. If by any chance a girl is pregnant. In my country divorce is not good. The majority of the people to get married are 18 years old and older.


Wedding in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan has several wedding traditions. A groom buys wedding bands and a wedding dress. The bride wears a white dress and the groom wears a black or white suit. In my country marriages are based on Love, they are not arranged. One of the traditions is that the groom asks for bride’s hand from her parents.
During the wedding ceremony there are usually relatives and friends present. Wedding is usually celebrated in a big restaurant or banquet room, where guests give gifts, say toasts, play games and dance a lot. At the end of the party, a bride throws her wedding flowers in a crowd of single ladies to catch. Then newlyweds leave in a wedding decorated car.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Mother's Day

My favorite celebration is Mother’s Day. I like this day because I can watch T.V. with my family. And I like this day because I am mother of six children.
Sometimes we are going shopping. I like open presents from my children I like cook a food and eat with my big family.
In my country we have Mother’s Day in the spring. This celebration is on March 8. I like Mother’s Day so much.


Independence Day

My favorite celebration in my country is September 15, Independence Day. We buy lot food I love celebrating Independence Day because I like everybody is happy. I go to the park with my friends.



My favorite celebration is Christmas. I like this day because I can be with my family. I like when my family opening presents. We are watching TV, and eating food. On the Christmas we are going to the church we are listening about Jesus and how He was born.

Ivan S.


My favorite celebration in my country is Christmas December 25. Everybody have festive mood in this day. In the Holiday people to decorate a Christmas tree. Christmas in my country starts December 25 and continues for January 7. My city Soligorsk is beautiful during this time.
I love celebration Christmas because I like family get together. We have visit for friend and eat delicious food.
Children open presents and very happy. Christmas is a great time of year.



Christmas is a Big Holiday for all Christians. I love this holiday, because at this day was born Jesus Christ. My family prepare for day. We cook special food. Invite the friends. Also we visit our friends and relatives. And of course, my family goes to church. There special program for adult and children. I love this wonderful Holiday.


New Year's

My favorite celebration in my country is New Year’s. I like when all family together and children playing, big Christmas tree, many presents and friends. We cook many different foods, and after eat at big table all family.
I love celebrating New Year’s, because I like fireworks. We wearing hats, sweaters, and go outside watch on fireworks.
I like winter, because is a great time of year. I like snow. We go to church, there big holiday on New Year’s. We call our friends in Russia. We are very happy.


New Year's

My favorite celebration in my country is new year’s .i like celebration new years, because i like to go to down town. winter is wonderful time of the year.
my favorite part of the celebration .i like make food because when I see my children and my husband very happy they make happy too.we are metting ,talking ,dancing eating together.
My favorit celebration is in new year when is the celebration? January first


New Year's

My favorite celebration in my country is New Year’s. We together cook delicious food, buy big Christmas tree, present for children. I like listening to music, watch TV.
I love celebrating New Year’s because I like fireworks it is very nice.
New Year’s is a great time of year. Much snow, we go to play outside with children.This is very big fun for him. After children opening their present, we take pictures and video. We are happy.

Ivan K.

My Birthday

My birthday is November 27. I really like my Birthday. All family members sit table, many delicious food star cake. Take gift for me, talk greetings and to propose a toast. I like to be star part.


Christmas Day

My favorite celebration in my country is Christmas day. Winter is a great time of year. This holiday continues for three days. I make special food.
I love celebrating Christmas day, because I like stay with my family together after church. In the evening we go together with friends and visit other people, congratulated with this holiday.
December is a great time of year. I like December because starts to snow. December makes the city bright and full of joy. We are waiting this month with a great joy.



My favorite celebration is Christmas because my family get together and eats food. We also pass around gifts to one another and open their gifts. We take pictures have fun and play during our Christmas celebration.
