Monday, February 23, 2009

My Roots

I am from Kazakhstan, but I am Russian. My family has a lot of Russian culture. I want to say about three of them.
The first thing is language. All people from other countries say that Russian language is difficult to learn. Maybe it is true. But for me English is difficult. I speak Russian. I know a lot of songs, tales, and poems on Russian. I would that my son didn’t forget Russian language. It’s very important for me.
The second thing is food. Russian people eat potatoes in different conditions: boiled, fry by frying-pan and bake. Also we eat a lot of vegetables with meat. We like different meat: pork, beef, chicken, rabbits. We drink a lot of tea with milk and some buns or cakes.
And one more thing about my roots is celebration. I want to tell about one national holiday that was on last week. It’s Shrovetide. In this week people cook and eat pancakes. They treat its each other. On Sunday people come to center city. They sing song, dancing, wear national clothes, and compete in different competition.
I would like that my son know and remember these roots from Russia. I would like that his children know from which country our roots. It’s very important for me, because I don’t want that my descendants to forget our relatives from Russia.


My Roots

I am from Guatemala. In my country we have a lot of culture. I am going to tell you about three things that my country has.
First thing I want to tell you is about food. In my country people eat chicken soup. It is a traditional food. Sometimes we can put rice into the soup. In my country we have a lot of traditional food.
The second thing I want to tell you is about clothing. In my country we have traditional clothes. But only the old people wear them every day. The young people wear them at the special occasion, when it is Independence Day, or at parties.
The third thing is about celebrations. We have a lot of celebrations but I want to tell you about the Independence Day. We celebrate the Independence Day on September 15th. People walk on the streets with the flag and playing traditional instruments. Sometimes the young people have parties.
I am very proud of my culture because it is very different to other countries’. I hope you like something about my culture it is very interesting.


My Roots

I want to tell you about my roots. It will be very difficult for me, because my roots include elements of different cultures – Russian, Kazakh, Ukraine, and German. There are three things that I want to introduce to you.
First thing is language. My native language is Russian. It is very rich and beautiful language. It is near language with Ukraine (language of my grandfather). German is language of my mother and grandmother. I would like that my children knew these languages.
Secondly, I want to tell about food. We eat different food – Russian “pelmeny”, German “strudel”, Kazakh “besbarmack”, Ukraine “galushky”. Russian people usually eat a lot of meat with noodle. They like bake and eat it. We drink tea almost every meal. It is tradition of my country Kazakhstan. Kazakh people drink black tea very much.
Last one is religion. In my country have very much different religion, but I am Christian Orthodox. I think that Bible and Christian Orthodox rules are matter base for my children’s life.
I’m so proud both of Russian culture, Kazakh culture, Ukraine culture, and German culture, because they have many good traditions. It is unique and very good cultures. I want tell about elements of these cultures to many people. I love my country and its traditions so much.


My Roots

I come from Vietnam. My country has an interesting culture. I want to tell three things about culture in my country.
First thing is food. My tropical country has many rivers so we always have vegetables and fish in our meal daily. There are many kinds of vegetables and fish in order that we can change every day. Drinking and eating culture in my country have to mention to traditional cake such as “banh chung” and “banh tet.” It’s made from rice, soybean, meat, and wrap into banana leaf. It’s good taste.
Secondly, I want to introduce to you is our costume. This is “Ao dai” costume. It’s made by many materials as silk, taffeta… Vietnam’s woman will become charming at on special occasions such as Lunar New Year, Wedding…when they wear it. Although we go away from our country, we always bring our costume to remind next generations don’t forget country’s customs.
Last one, I want to talk about language. Reserving original language to youth when they are living in other country is very difficult. Vietnamese has many proverbs and has much slang. It’s fun if you can use it in conversation every day. Moreover, Vietnamese has many meanings for one word. That interesting!
I love my country so much. I’m proud of Vietnam’s culture. I will try hard myself to teach next generations and introduce Vietnam’s culture.


My Roots

I am from Oromo. My country has great culture. There are three things I want to introduce to you. First thing is clothes Oromo people wear beautiful clothes for weddings girls and boys are not similar. Traditional clothes are long and beautiful. Secondly I want to tell you about my foods it is delicious and sweet food we make from barley, wheat, teff, many things we cook budana, michera, marca many kind food we make. I want to tell you about my religion I am Christian I believe in god. Jesus my shepherd I am very happy for my culture, clothes, foods, religion for everything I am proud of them.


Fried Vegetables

- 1 carrot
- 1 cucumber
- 1 yellow pepper
- mushrooms
- shrimps
- salt, sugar, pepper, oil

1. Wash carrot, cucumber, broccoli, yellow bell pepper. All of them cut into little cubes (about 3-5cm)
2. Wash mushrooms. Take shell off shrimps.
3. Put the pan on stove. When the pan is hot, put little oil. And then put the vegetables in it.
4. Stir-fry for 5 minutes, put mushrooms and shrimp.
5. Add little salt, sugar, pepper.
6. Stir-fry for 5-10 minutes.

Thy Hong

Tomato Soup

2 tomatoes
2 tablespoons oil
1 tablespoons garlic
1 egg


1. Preheat stove. In a medium pot, put oil, garlic and tomatoes sauce for 5 minutes.
2. Add 1 bowl of water and let sit for about 6 to 10 minutes.
3. Put egg in the pot. Turn off the stove. Add green onion and black pepper to taste.

Thanh Vy

Schools in Belarus

Education in my native country is very good. There are many schools. School education consists of several parts. First part is middle school. Students study from 1st to 5th grade. They learn many words and do homework. Students are taught in two languages: Russian and Belorussian.
High school is the second part. Students learn different sciences, like algebra and geometry. Every three months students take tests. Every school has a library, gym and cafeteria. Students have a break every day.
School education gives a lot of knowledge to prepare students for college.



In high school students go to classes from first grade to 6th grade. In college they first mall to 6th mall. When children go to school parents have to pay and it not for free like United Stated. They have to pay for notebooks, pencils, clothes, almost everything. Some people have enough money to educate their children from first to 6th grade.
Students walk to school since there no school buses. They walk for about three miles every day. If you have money you can take a bus to school, but most students walk. They start at 8:00 am until 3:30 pm. In the morning, when students go to class they have to sing a song to Thai flag. Then after that they go to class.


Three Qualities of a Good Teacher

To my understanding, a good teacher should not just be educated, but have a good teaching strategy. Many teachers just state facts. Good teacher must make these facts understandable. Another quality of a good teacher is being friendly with students. Students should not be afraid or intimidated to ask some questions. One more characteristic of good teachers is not to have teacher’s pets in a classroom. Every student must be equal.


Three Qualities of a Good Student

In Vietnam, students need to come to school 15 minutes early to clean up a classroom and finish home work before school
In class students need to listen to a teacher and pass all the tests in one year. Every year, if students got good grades the school gives them books, pens and even some money.


Three Qualities of a Good Teacher

Teachers are our second parents who understand our behaviour and learning style. They care and worry about each pupil as a member of family. Their mission is to be a template of behavior both in the form of clothes, and in comprehension of knowledge. The pupil is no more than a teacher but he/she tries to reach that level with the help of teacher’s knowledge. And teachers in return show the endurance to fill students with that knowledge. I am grateful to our teachers for their patience!


Monday, February 9, 2009


My family is too big. I have three sisters and three brothers, my parents taught me a lot of things some of these things were help me when I took a mistake. Who I speak nice with people.
My parents did not have a lot of money but they had good health. My dad worked all week, my mom was very good because helped my dad a lot. My mom was always at home working, cleaning up or cooking.
They taught me some very important rules about life .They taught me how to help the old people. My parents taught me that I have to look at things with an open mind.
Right now I feel that when I do something I remember my parents because of their way of raising me. I feel thankful for everything. I wish I could be the same as my dad and mom.



Let me tell you about my parents. They were strong parents help me whit education. They were farmers, they shepherd cows. They worked very hard. Sometimes my mom watch us sometimes other people watched us. In my culture we respect and help older people. My parents helped me learn this. My parents didn’t have enough money, but they paid for my education. I’m happy now. I’m writing and reading. I teach my children the same. My parents were good people. I’m happy and proud of them.



When I was a child I did have a good time. My family is: my parents, my siblings and me. They taught me a lot of things. I will never forget my parents.
My parents worked very much and came home very late. I helped my parents in the house; cleaned house, cooked dinner, watched my little sister, and washed clothes. When I was sick my mother gave me medicine. She bought good clothes, toys, and books. We read books every night and she taught about history.
My parents helped me always with school, my homework, college and my life. My parents told me that did could be good and bad.
My parents were the best in the world for me. I thank them for all they did for me. I want to take care of them.


Advice to Newcomers

If you have planned to come here to America I know about Minnesota but I wish had know more about this state before I come here. So my advice are to a newcomer about bring your international driving license study English and your goals to study or job.
My first thought is about the driving license because her in U.S.A. you can’t drive a car if don’t have a driving license.
My second advice is about studying more and learning English. If you learn English you can find anything easily.
The last and most important advice is to know what yours goals are to study or job. You also have to be patient. Life in America is allow and many different colleges.
I hope my advice help newcomers to prepare for everything you will not be surprised if you know what to expect.


Advice to Newcomers

If you wanted to come to Minnesota, I will say to you welcome to Minnesota, but before you are coming, I must tell you some advice about learning English, respecting the law and bringing your warm clothes.
My first advice is very important it is about learning English. If you learn English, you can speak to people easily, find a good job and you may be passing the exam of driving lessons.
My second advice is about respecting the law of the roads and you must know the traffic rules. If you don’t know, you will face some problems with the police.
My third advice is about the weather. The weather in winter season is very cold and snowy. So you must bring with you warm clothes and heavy boots for the snow.
I hope my advice well help you when you will be beginning the difficult life in Minnesota.


Advice to Newcomers

Welcome to my country. I want to give you three advices that can help. You must be careful, you can use bus and other public transportation, and people can help you.
When I say “to be careful” I mean: not to speak with mischievous people, not to go in to the night, be careful with money, and do not go in to little streets. I am speaking about this, because in my country many people haven’t worked and between they are angry, sometimes they drink too much alcohol and take narcotics.
If you use public transport it’s easier, because anybody can break into your car, sometimes you can’t find for parking space, you can’t park a car on streets at night.
If you can’t find anything, people can ask you about location and speak what transport you can use.
In my country more place where people moving without transportation, you can see many people on the streets, it’s usual. Any of them is good, any bad, they are different. If you will use my advice, you cannot see what bad in my country.

Sergey S.

Advice to Newcomers

Minnesota is good state for your life. Welcome to Minnesota! I have been living 5 months in here, but I like it. I have advice for you. So my advice to newcomers is about learning English, the weather, the traffic rules, and the health history.
My first and most important advice is to learn English. If you know English, find a job is easy for you, and speak with everybody everywhere too.
My second advice is about the weather. Here have 4 different seasons of the year-winter, summer, spring, and autumn. Winter in Minnesota is cold. You’ll need warm clothes, hat, gloves, and boots. The weather in the summer time is hot.
My third advice is about the traffic rules. You must know them and you’ll have your driver’s license.
My last advice is to bring your health history. It is important for health care in Minnesota.
I hope my advice will help you have a better life in Minnesota. Good luck!



Traditional food in my country is fruit, vegetables, chicken, watermelon and rice. In the United States it is easier to cook than in Mexico. I didn’t have to start cooking at 5:30 am. In the United States there are buffets and different types of food. I don’t like some foods because of the chemicals. In my country everything is natural. When you need something, you can go to a market.



I think that all fruit, vegetable, and meat are the same in my country and the U.S. The only difference is which dishes people cook at home. In America there are a lot of pre-packaged products in stores. In Russia there is less. There is a big variety of sweets with different stuffing. There are a lot of kinds of candy and cookies with cinnamon. It’s very bad because I don’t like cinnamon.



My country has a lot of traditions associated with food. For example, in the evening, the whole family eats dinner and talks to each other. In Ukraine on holidays people cook a lot of delicious dishes; and cold appetizers and a lot of different desserts. There is a tradition that on Christmas Day people prepare twelve different dishes and sit down to eat when the first star comes out in the sky. On Easter, people bake pies with raisins and paint eggs. Traditional salad is ‘’Olivie’’. Ukrainian food is more natural. Food in Ukraine and in U.S. is not the same; but every country has food that is tasty and not so delicious. In America, I like smoked ham, salads, bacon, desserts like biscuit and a lot of other food.



In my country we have a lot food. Usually I make eggs and beef. When my family came here some things were not different too much. Eggs, beef, and onion, I use every day. I like American food, they have clam chowder, it’s very good food my country doesn’t have that, so but I don’t know about cooking.
