Monday, October 27, 2008

My Fall Break

I would like to tell you about my fall break. I read a book, cooked and went exercising.
Every day when I finish cleaning the house, I walked 40 minutes in the gym, the exercise is very important for my health. After I cooked the dinner I enjoyed listening to music.
The days in the break I needed to clean the house I cooked different food, I cooked Chinese food, baked cookies and Italian food, I found the recipes in internet.
At night at 8:00 pm, I watched TV. with my husband the favorite series, at 10p.m.m we went to my bed I was reading the book best seller one hour.
The finish week, my routine is different, I went with my family a walked around the lake maybe in the Lake Calhoun to walked, after maybe went to eat at a restaurant.
Any times my husband and me, the Sunday all the day watch TV. in pants, and eating pizza and sandwiches. I did not cook, for me it was relaxing.


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