Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Learning English

I started studying English in the US in 2008. The first time I came to school to study English, I felt shocked and nervous because I don’t understand English. English is difficult because it is a different language, grammar, reading…. The most different thing about learning English is I don’t remember everything. I wish I could speak better English than I can now. I spend 1.5 hours every day learning English. I sometimes do speak English outside of school; also sometimes I read or write English outside of school. In my daily life, I have the biggest problem communicating in English when somebody asks me same questions if need help talking. The best advice I can give someone who is going to study English is before flying to US study more English because it will be better for you. When I came here I knew very little English. When I compare my English now with my English when I first arrived here, I feel happy because it is not very good yet but I can speak, read and write English.

Ivan K

Learning English

I started studying English in the US in Haiti in 1998. The first time I came to school to study English, I felt happy because I began to understand and write English. English is difficult because I cannot hear well. The most difficult thing about learning English is the pronunciation. I wish I could speak better English than I am now. I spent six hours every day learning English. I do read and write English outside of school. In my daily life, I had the biggest problem communication in English when I took a driver’s license test. I think learning a second language is easiest when you are five years old because your brain is fresh. The best advice I can give somebody who is going to study English, go to school every day , listen to the Radio and watch T.V. When I came here, I knew a little English. When I compare my English now with my English when I first arrived here, I feel happy because I can speak to my children and everybody.


Learning English

I started studying English in the U.S. in 2008. The first time I came to school to study English. I felt worried because I never understood. I like studying a second language. I spend one-two hours every day learning English. I read, write and speak. I feel happy because I can help my children. The most difficult thing about learning English is I don’t remember everything. I wish I could speak better English than I can now. I think learning a second language is easiest when you are 4-5 years old because you can remember everything. When I came here I knew a little English. I need to study more English. I want to go to college and get a job.


Learning English

I started learning English when I came to the U.S in 2008. I needed to learn English so I can find a job to make money for my family and also to save money for a house. I always speak English with my husband and study English at school. When I speak English, my English improves and I am very happy about it.


Learning English

When I came to the United States. I didn’t speak English well. The first time when I studied English, I felt nervous because it was so different from my language and sometimes my pronunciation wasn’t clear. When I had to talk with Americans, they didn’t understand me. However, I wanted to speak with everyone and checked out children’s books from school. I wanted a stable job so I needed to go to school every day. It helps to improve my English. Afterwards I plan to go to a community college. Right now, I’m very happy studying English so I can speak, listen and write better than before. I hope to be successful in my life and get a good career in the United States.


Learning English

I am from China, I just arrived here seven months ago. My English has many difficult things for me. But now I think studying English is more important than Chinese because English is important for me. I can`t speak too much, that`s the way I help my son with his homework. I can`t help my husband with his business. English is very difficult, my life has many problems. I need to learn more English because I want to go to college and get a good job.

Xu Feng

Learning English

I started studying English in my country Guinea but, we
learned British English there. When I came to the USA, I didn’t
understand American people in the airport. I asked my friend
who translated for me what they said. When I came, I decided
to go to ESL school to improve my English. The first time I came
to class, I was worried, because my pronunciation was bad. Every day, I read and watch TV. Now my English is better than in the past.


Learning English

I started studying English in the U.S. in 2008. I didn’t study English in my country, just when I was a child maybe in 5th grade. So, when I came to school here the first time, I was shocked. My first class was about a washing machine. I didn’t understand anything for a very long time. Now I come to school every day to study English. I would like to study English better, after that go to college, finish, and find a good job. I try to speak English at home, in the store, with my neighbors to improve my English. I very like teachers in this school, they are very nice.



I think it’s very good for teacher if she/he has a sense of humor. Sometimes it helps students. I think a good teacher should enjoy and respect students. Secondly, a good teacher should be creative and innovative. Thirdly, a good teacher should adapt to changes smoothly.


Learning English

I started studying English in Minnesota in 2010. The first time I came to school to study English, I felt nervous because I didn’t understand English. For me English is difficult because of pronunciation and verbs. The most difficult thing about learning English is grammar. I wish I could speak better English than I can now. I spend 30 minutes every day learning English. I do speak English outside of school; I do read and write English outside of school. In my daily life, I have the biggest problem communicating in English, when my neighbors speak English with me. I think learning a second language is easiest when you are four years old; because my daughter watches TV, English is easy for her. The best advice I can give someone, who is going to study English is go to school every day, watch TV, and listen to the radio. When I came here, I knew zero English, when I compare my English now with my English when I first arrived here, I feel happy because I can help my children with their homework.



How much time do you spend on your homework? I have one hour for my homework.
I come to school every day to learn some English. I will keep studying to know other words. I have some problems when I speak with somebody.
I will know my second language from my school.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It is good idea for us because we can save some money for the bottled water. At my house we recycle card boards, newspapers, cans, and bottles. We don’t sort. We put everything in the bin. We don’t use the clothes and shoes anymore. We give it to the Salvation Army. We also do garage sales.


We are recycling and reusing that’s great ideas for everybody to living in U.S.A. We have to get good aid breathe and everywhere clean. It is not dirty for us. People can recycle cans, bottles, old newspapers and magazines. We can risen or sort them and we put it on the curbside. After that they come to pick up them once two weeks. You know some people have many old furniture toys, sofas, tables, chairs, T.V., bikes and something more. People also have garages sale, they would sale clothes, toys, shoes, skirts, or something their cannot used.


To recycle is a good idea, because that helps to save money, material

and to not contaminate the environment. It is important for

the people to know what things they can recycle or where they can –

put it. If you don’t know how you can recycle, you must call to the

city and ask them for information. When we recycle cans, bottles, old

newspaper, and magazines, we should separate them and

put the cans and bottles in a different container.


My Grandfater

lived a long time ago. He was 86 years old. He was born May 21, 1907. His wife was born may 21, 1907, the same Birthday.They lived together for 57 years, He and his wife had 6 children, 5 sons and 1 daughter. His daughter is my mom. They lived in Ukrain. Grandfather was miscian: pianist and orchestra conductor. He lived during the war. At that time he worred in a factory for only 4 years. He was always punctual. Grandfather was calm, and slow. His hair was black. He was handsome. He was a funny man.

Inna L.


YES! It is really a good idea to recycle because it will help a lot for all of us, like saving the trees and making our environment clean. And also we can save money. In our house we recycle cans, bottles, papers, and cardboard. I wash the empty bottles, cans, and jars to make it clean before putting in a paper bag or in a bin. And also I do the same thing for the papers shredded. I flatten the cardboard. I also recycle our old clothes and give them away for the church or bring them to the Goodwill store. I also go to the garage sales. I like buying used tools for my husband and my silverware collection there instead of buying in a store for brand new items, cheaper and save more money.

Brilla Joy

My Father

My father’s name is Ivan .He’s fifty years old. He has black hair .He’s tall and strong. He has six children. He is a volunteer pastor in the church.
He has a work, he’s engineer in a factory .He likes working on computers and listening to the music.
He’s calm, funny and interesting person .His the worst part of his personality-he’s slow moving and he doesn’t like to answer for questions fast. I like to ask him recommendation.

Natalia C.

My Father

His name is apolinar. He’s very tall and he is 72 years old. He has a big family of eight brothers and four sisters. My father has three and two daughters (but maybe there is more other place)
He has three cars (taxis). In his free time he likes to fix car. The best part of his personality is he is smart. Sometimes he helps my mom with the houses chores or takes care of his grandsons depend?
The worst part of his personality is he is possessive. Sometimes I like to spend time with him. He likes to help other people.
I have memories about how my father helped other people. I love my father…


Classmates and Food

I’m from Moldova. In my native country people usually eat bread , butter , marmalade , milk , tea, eggs , salami for breakfast . People usually eat three –four times a day. In my native country people normally eat their breakfast at 7:00-8:00a.m, lunch at 12:00-1:00-2:00 pomp, and dinner at 7:00-8:00p.m. In this country I like turkey. I don’t like bread, fast food, and spicy food. I think diet is healthier in my native country than here. It’s important to know how eat right. Ice cream and grapes are snacks that I enjoy eating .I can buy everything here, if I have the money. I worry about preservatives in foods. I’m not a vegetarian. My favorite food is pizza. I eat to live.

After seeking for answers and having a discussion with each of my classmates, I found out that Wismar sometime likes to go to restaurants with her family . Ina likes to eat fruit ice cream because it is very good. Tatiana likes to make soup, pelimeni and bors. Ivan likes to go grocery shopping once a week .He goes to Cub Foods, Sam’s Club and Aldi. Iryna enjoys eating spicy food. She likes to eat meat sometimes. Serghei Legun knows how to make pizza. He likes to eat pizza together with his family. Tolere is from Ethiophia. He drinks coffee in the morning with three spoons of sugar and some milk. Lesly eats a sandwich for lunch, because it is easy to make. Yelena likes sweets a lot. She likes ciocolate, cakes, and other sweets. Svetlana never goes to a restaurant because that is expensive .Liubovi likes to entartain guests at home because they spend time togheter. Xuan knows many good Vietnamese recipes , for example Pho ( chicken with noodle ); Chicken curry (chicken , potato,carrots , sauce spicy ). Jwad goes to fast -food restaurants. He likes to go to McDonals and Subway. He likes to go every day. Kabemba likes to eat snacks during the day. He eats pop-corn every day. Yelena is a vegetarian because it’s healthy. Having each conversation , I know who eats sweets , who would eat and make pizza , with whom I could go shopping and many other thins .

I want to tell you about my classmates Wisam and Nada. Wismar Ibrahim is from Iraq and now she lives in Mounds View. Nada Maiden is from Somalia and now she lives in Blaine.
Wisam and Nada have the same favorite color, which is purple. Wisam’sfavorite food is plain fish, but Nada’s favorite food is rice and fish. Wisam likes to watch cooking programs on TV , Nada likes to watch “American Idol “. Wisam and Nada have five people in their families .
Wisam has a husband Ail, two sons Ail and Fadlalth, and daughter Kather. Nada has a mother. Mother’s name is Hawa. She has two sister Wafa and Badria, and one brother Liibaan.
Wisam is good at making bread. Nada likes to cook rice and spaghetti. During the spring break, Wisam just relaxed and cleaned the house. Nada went to visit her friend. Wisam and Nada want to learn more English rules because it is important for them.
Wisam likes to make models and she also lived in Texas for one year and a half.
Nada likes to go to gym and swim. She wants to travel to her country.
I think that Wisam and Nada are very interesting and nice people



I’m from Russia. In my native country people usually eat tea, coffee, bread, butter, cheese, eggs for breakfast. In my country people eat three times a day. Normally they eat breakfast at 7 am, lunch at 1pm, and dinner at 7pm. In this country I like fruit and vegetable because I use them every day. I don’t like fast-food and spice food. I think diet is healthier in my native country. It’s important to know how eat right. My snack food is usually fruit. My favorite food is pork or chicken with mashed potatoes.

Ivan K.


I want to tell you about my classmate’s Ivan and Jwad. My first classmate’s full name is Ivan Kochergin. He is from Russian which is in Europe now he lives in the state of Minnesota city of Coon Rapids.
His favorite color is green and favorite food is meat. He likes to watch TV. His favorite show on TV is the program about animals. He is married He has 2 children one girl and one boy. His wife’s name Olesya. The name of the girl is Danial and the boy is Martin.
He is good at construction. He was a construction worker in his country. This spring break he visited his friend. It was very interesting for his because it was a very nice moment. Now he is learning English. He needs to speak, write and read very well. He has interesting 2 things about him. The first one is that wants to be a plumber. The second one is that he wants to continue his education to be a constructer.
My second classmate’s full name is Jwad Ibrahim. His native country is Iraq. Now he lives in the USA, the city of Fridley. He likes green color and he likes to eat fish.
The favorite show on TV is sport. He is not married. He is single there are 9 people in the family. The father’s name is Drweectt and mother’s name is Fliha. He has 8 brothers; Kmall, Faris, Maazh, husenan and Haazm. He is good at painting. During this spring break he traveled to Arizona. He wants to learn everything.
Jwad is interesting in construction and becoming a hair dresser. I was so happy to ask my classmate’s this moment was interesting for me because I learnt the minds of the other people.



AT 7: AM OR 9: PM.



I asked my classmates about their preferences in food. Irina likes to eat ice cream and cake. Sveta never goes to a restaurant because she doesn’t have a job. She knows how to make pizza at home. Helena is a vegetarian, she doesn’t eat meat. Ivan and his wife go grocery shopping once a week to Sam’s Club Food.



I want to tell you about my classmates Lesly and Serghey. Lesly Ventura is from El Salvador. Serghey Plague is from Moldova and now they live in Blaine. Lesly like red color and she like to eat chicken. It is easy to cook and she doesn’t like cooking. Sergey’s favorite color is silver. He likes to eat food from his country. The food with the name TOKANA is his favorite. It has meat, cheese, and onion in there. He like to watch the TV show that we don’t have here but in his country it is name “K.V.N” Lesly doesn’t like to watch the game or sport. She likes to watch Univision show. Now Lesly lives in her house with her husband, son, and one more will be born soon. She is good at organizing. Serghey lives with 4 people NATALIA is his wife and they have a son and a daughter. He is very good at constructing house. They like to come to school because they want to learn English so they can understand and speak. They are interested in reading and writing classes. Last spring break was too long for Lesly because she just stayed at home and had a barbecue at home. But it was interesting for Serghey because he spend the whole week on the trip. They visited his parents. Right now he is very happy because he will get a green card in May. After that he will buy a new car .Lesly is going to buy a new car. She is also waiting for the baby to be born this month, they are very happy. I think it would be very interesting for you to know about Lesly and Serghey.

Thanh Vy


I want to tell you about my classmates Lesly and Serghey. Lesly Ventura is from El Salvador. Serghey Plague is from Moldova and now they live in Blaine. Lesly like red color and she like to eat chicken. It is easy to cook and she doesn’t like cooking. Sergey’s favorite color is silver. He likes to eat food from his country. The food with the name TOKANA is his favorite. It has meat, cheese, and onion in there. He like to watch the TV show that we don’t have here but in his country it is name “K.V.N” Lesly doesn’t like to watch the game or sport. She likes to watch Univision show. Now Lesly lives in her house with her husband, son, and one more will be born soon. She is good at organizing. Serghey lives with 4 people NATALIA is his wife and they have a son and a daughter. He is very good at constructing house. They like to come to school because they want to learn English so they can understand and speak. They are interested in reading and writing classes. Last spring break was too long for Lesly because she just stayed at home and had a barbecue at home. But it was interesting for Serghey because he spend the whole week on the trip. They visited his parents. Right now he is very happy because he will get a green card in May. After that he will buy a new car .Lesly is going to buy a new car. She is also waiting for the baby to be born this month, they are very happy. I think it would be very interesting for you to know about Lesly and Serghey.

Thanh Vy


I want to tell you about my classmates, Guadalupe Morales and Olesya Kochergina. Guadalupe is from Mexico and now she lives in Blaine. Olesya is from Russia; now she lives in Coon Rapids. Guadalupe’s favorite color is black. Olesya likes the color red. Guadalupe’s favorite food is chicken. Olesya likes fruit. Guadalupe’s favorite TV show is “Video Music”. Olesyas’s favorite TV is news. Guadalupe has 4 people in her family Sergio, George, Fabiano. Olesya has 4 people in her family Ivan, Daniel, and Martin. Guadalupe is good at cooking. Olesya is good cooking too. During spring break, Guadalupe worked. Olesya played with her children. Olesya wants to learn speaking. Guadalupe wants to learn grammar. Guadalupe likes exercise and goes to night clubs. Olesya likes to travel and exercise too. I think that Olesya and Guadalupe are very interesting people.


Classmates, Breakfast, and Food

I want to tell you about my classmates Lesly Ventura and Thanhvy Ho. Lesly is from EL Salvador and now she lives in Blaine. Thanhvy is from Vietnam and now she lives in Mounds View. Lesly`s favorite color is red. She likes to eat her favorite food, chicken. She likes to watch a TV show “Univision”. Thanhvy`s favorite color is blue. Her favorite food is national soup. She likes Vietnamese films. Lesly has three people in her family; her husband Julio and two sons Fernando and Thanhvy has a father Tracy , mom Tharh and brother Thomas . Lesly is good at cleaning and organizing. Thanhvy is good at cooking. During spring break Lesly had a barbecue. Thanhvy had a party. Lesly wants to learn listening, reading, writing in English. Thanhvy wants to learn listening, reading, writing. Lesly`s baby will be born this month and she`s going to buy a new car. Thanhvy likes wearing black and white and she will turn 23 in May.

In my native country people eat oatmeal, cereal, eggs, sandwich, roll, tea, coffee, juice, milk for breakfast. Breakfast is at 7 a.m.-8 a.m. In Moldova people eat three meals a day. Lunch is at 1 p.m.-2 p.m. People eat soup or zamma, borh, bread, potatoes, rice, spaghetti with meat, chicken, drink juice, kefir, compot,water for lunch. I like to eat zamma and tocana for lunch. This is my favorite meal. Dinner is at 7 p.m.-8 p.m. People eat potatoes, rice, spaghetti, meat, chicken, drink juice, kefir, tea, eat fruits and vegetables.


I asked my classmates about their tastes in food. Lydia goes to restaurants. She likes American, European, and African food. She likes national food like fish salt. Irina likes to eat ice cream. She eats ice cream every day. Tatiana cooks every day because she likes fresh and tasty food. Ivan with his wife go grocery shopping once a week on Friday. Xuan likes eating spicy Vietnamese food like chicken curry with noodle. Dina knows how to make pizza. She puts different ingredients. Ira drinks coffee in the morning. She likes strong black coffee. Irina eats sandwich for lunch with cheese, meat, bacon, vegetable. Helena likes sweets. She eats chocolate and candy bar every day. Svetlana never goes to a restaurant. She doesn’t have money. Lesly likes to entertain their friends at home. Sergey knows many good recipes like chicken with noodle, fish meat, rice, potatoes. Jwad goes to fast-food restaurants because he likes fast-food. Kobemba eats snacks during the day. Helena is a vegetarian. She likes vegetable and fruit.



I want to tell you about my classmates, Guadalupe Morales and Olesya Kochergina. Guadalupe is from Mexico and now she lives in Blaine. Olesya is from Russia; now she lives in Coon Rapids. Guadalupe’s favorite color is black. Olesya’s like the color red. Guadalupe’s favorite food is chicken. Olesya likes fruit. Guadalupe’s favorite TV show is “Video Music”. Olesyas’s favorite TV is news. Guadalupe has 4 people in her family Sergio, George, Fabiano. Olesya has 4 people in her family Ivan, Daniel ,and Martin. Guadalupe is good at cooking. Olesya is good cooking too. During spring break. Guadalupe worked. Olesya played with her children . Olesya wants to learn speaking . Guadalupe wants to learn grammar. Guadalupe likes exercise and go to night clubs. Olesya likes to travel and exercise too. I think that Olesya and Guadalupe are very interesting people.



I want to tell you about Xuant Ngugen, she is from Vietnam .Now she live in Coon Rapids, an apartment she likes to eat noodles and watch TV she likes to watch action movies .She live with her family .She want to learn English and find a good job .Another classmate is Svelana Dirda , she is from Moldova .
Now she lives in Coon Rapids. She said his favorite e color is light blue. She likes to eat fried potatoes. Her favorite show is Deal or Deal. During Spring Break she went to nephew’s party .She goes to school because she wants to learn more English: and learn how to drive. She is taking a driving class .I think that Sevelana and Xuant are very interesting people,



I want to tell you about my classmates Liubovi and Elena. Liubovi is from Moldova and now she lives in Blaine. Elena is from Russia and now she lives in Anoka. Liubovi favorite color is black. And Elena’s favorite food is chicken. Elena favorite food is shrimp. Liubovi’s favorite TV show is Deal or No Deal. Elena’s favorite TV show is movie. There are in Liubovi’s family 8 people. Elena’s family is 3 people. Liubovi is good at planting flowers. Elena is good during spring break went at driving. Liubovi went to the shopping mall. Elena went for a walk in the park. Liubovi wants to learn more writing. Elena wants to improvement her peaking. Liubovi is two things flowers and cleaning. Elena is interested in horses and motorcycles. I think Liubovi and Elena are very interested people.


Classmates and Food

I want to tell you about my classmates Hibag and Liubovei. Hibag is from Somali and Liubovei is from Moldova . Hibag now lives in Fridley. Liubovei lives in Blaine. Liubovei’s favorite color is black. Hibag favorite colors are brown. Liubovei likes to eat chicken. Hibag likes to eat rice. Liubovei likes to watch TV show “Deal or no Deal”. Hibag likes to watch a TV show “ Dancing with the Stars” Liubovei lives with her husband Ivan and 5 daughters Zina , Liza, Gloria, Rita, and Emily, and son David. Hibag lives too with her husband Abdulgadir, and Ilesha, Elm, and Yusuf. Liubovei is good at planning flowers. Hibag is good at cleaning. During this spring Break Liubovei went shopping. Hibag also went shopping to the Mall of America. Liubovei wants to learn writing and Hibag too. Liubovei interested in computers and Learning English.


My classmates have different preferences in food. Wisam sometimes likes to go to the restaurant with her family. Ivan likes to eat ice cream in café with his children. Ina likes to cook everyday for her family.
Leslie goes grocery shopping once a week because she goes with her husband. She wants her boys to try different kinds of food. Iryna enjoys eating spice food because she likes it a lot. Dina likes to cook “Four Seasons” pizza with mushrooms, bacon, onions, and other. Yadviga drinks coffee in the morning. Kabemba eats sandwich for lunch. Iryna (S) likes sweets, cake, chocolate, candy, and ice cream. Svetlana never goes to a restaurant because of money. Lydie likes to entertain guests at home. Iryna knows many good recipes in books, many salads, many different. Yadviga goes to fast food restaurants 1 time in week. Liubovi eats snacks during the day, every break time. Sergei is a vegetarian sometimes, no eat meat.



My goals for five years
Imagine the next five years; it is a long time a head, yet, time flies by just in seconds. There are many things that will happen, hopefully good things. As for myself, I have plans for next 5 years. Plans to achieve my goals and thins. I want to do with my life.
The first year in 2011, I am going to a Community college and get a part-time job at school. Afterward, I hope to be a pharmacy technician and get a better job for a while. That is my dream. I like to live here because my parents live here too. However, I don’t like snow in Minnesota even so, I will move to a California with my children. May be I will get married with my boy friend. I hope my children will get a good career in the U.S
I hope I didn’t have to wait for my dream too long, I really need to achieve it.

My Family’s Goals
My name’s Phuong. I came to the united state almost 10 years. The first time when I live here, I didn’t speak English well and drive. I needed to get a job and studied English so I could take-care my daughter. My husband died when she was about 5 years old. After two months. I found a job at Memsi Company worked night shift.
Every morning, I went to Adult family learning OSSCO AREA School in Brooklyn Park by my house. My daughter and I live with my parents. They came here in 1998.Then couple months I passed my driver’s test and later, I worked 2 Jobs. Afterward, I didn’t go to school any more. Five years later, I passed the citizen test .After; I changed new my name, Jenny Phuong Hoang. I use new name for at work and middle name at school. Right now, I got layoff in March 16, 2010
However, I’m still working a part –time job. On the spot, I’m going to Metro North Adult Education School because I want to have a good career.
I will study pharmacist at community college and I hope to get a job as a pharmacy technicians I want to support for my daughter’s college.

My Goals
There are some things I want to do and some things I need to do for my plans I need to go to school every day. I need to go to school on time .I need to do home work. I need to read 30 min each day. Those have helped me increase my reading level .Furthermore, I want to have a husband to support for me, so I can go to school for many years, I want to be smarter and learn faster. I want to have good memories. I want to go a Community College and work a part-time job as a pharmacy technician for more experience. Afterward, I want to get an Associate’s degree and get a better job because I want to have a good career. I want the economy to be better. Therefore, I want to support for my daughter’s college. I want daughter will get a graduate Bachelor’s degree. I need to get my taxes done before due day. I need to take the garbage out every Monday morning.

My life right now
I’m Phuong. I live in Coon Rapids for 5 years now. The first time when I came to the U.S. I live in Brooklyn part with my parents.
Right now, I go to school at Metro north Adult education in Blaine because I want to speak English well. I want to have a good career. Afterward I plane to go to a community college because I hope to get a better job Furthermore; I work a part time job after school at 5:00p.m-10:00p.m .I have 2 children live with me. My daughter is 19 years old. She has a part time job after school also the boy is 4 years old. He goes to school 2 day for 1 week. My schedule is very busy. I need to study English and need money to pay the bills.
However, I’m happy living with all my family in the U.S so my children will have a good career.

Wants and Needs

I need to go a adult school, I need to learn English and I get a new job because my Job now I work part- time, I want to go a doctor college, I want to buy the new car, because the car too old, I want to go my country because my Family lives her, I want to help my mother and father come American with me. I need to do speak English and, I m going to read English and write English better next year.


There are some things I want to do and some things I need. I need to speak English, write English and read English. I need to get a GED and to graduate from college. I need to buy a computer. I need to get a good job in the future. I want to go on a vacation and visit my country. I want to buy a new car and save money for my retirement.


There are some things I want to do and some things I need to do. I want to go to school and I need to learn English and when I graduate my diploma and I need to find a part-time Job and I have some money to buy food to eat and after there I go back to school to finish my GED and get a better job and I will save some money to go back to see my Mom and my brother and sisters in my Country.


There are some I want to do and some things I need to do I need to go to adult school or a college decease I need to learn English . I need to go to school to learn English and get a GED. I want to work a part – time job. I want to store. I need to buy a bicycle. I want to visit Friend because I need see move together. I want to go to bark I need help my Family and play foot ball .I want to go to beach I need swimming .


There are some things I want to do. I want to do to the university. I need to go get a driver’s license and get a job I want. To complete school I need to improve my English. I need buy car. I want to buy camera. I want to be interpreter. I need to study. I want to work a school for more experience.


There are some things I want to do and some things I need to do. I want to go to level 3, but I need to study every day. I want to buy a car, for that I need money. I want to get a better job but I need to get a GED first. I want to buy a new house to live together with my family but I need a lot of money. I want to go to my country; I need a lot of money to help them. I want to find a part-time job; I need to go everywhere to find it. I want to speak English fluently, I need a little practice. I want to visit Miami, I need to get a ticket for taking a plane. I want to pick up my children from Haiti to come here, I need a lot of money to pay ticket for them.


There are some things I want to do and some things I need to do. I want to go to level 3. I need to get a GED. I want to buy a house. I need to go to school for years to study, but first I need to learn English .I m going to get a GED I want to improve my English because I need to start my business.

Ivan S.

There are some things I want be in an adult school for two years. I need to learn English and get a GED. I need to work. I want to buy a new car because my car old. I wants buy coat because I am cold. I want to visit my brother because I miss him. I need to buy a new telephone because my phone is old.


There are some things I want to do and some things I need to do. I want to go on vacation. I want to go to level 3. I want to buy a car. I need to get a job. I need to get a Bachelor Degree. I want to buy a house. I need to get a career. I want to buy a computer. I need to get a GED……
