Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I am writing about goals that I need to achieve in the next five years. First, I study English very hard so I can speak and understand what people speak. After that, I will go to college and get a degree. The second goal, I will find a job with the degree and save money. The last goal, I will buy a car with the money that I have.
In fact, the first goal, I have to study English very hard because everyone in America speaks English. In order to achieve this goal this goal, I go to school, read the books, listen to the radio or television, meet many people, so I can speak fluently and understand what people speak. After that I will go to Saint Paul College and have a degree in two years. Indeed, I want to change a new career so I will study Electronic Technician. I think it is difficult for me to achieve this goal but I try very hard to do it.
Next, to the second goal, I will find a good job with the degree. I will find the information about the job in newspapers, or online. I like to work in the factory so I can study many experiences when I work in it. Then, I will have money to support for myself. After that, I will give money to my family in order to help to pay the house and save little money in the bank.
The last goal, I will buy a new car with money that I save after one year of hard work. And I didn’t know how to fix cars so I will buy a new Toyota Camry car. It will help me to save the fuel.
According to me, my three important goals that I need to achieve in the next five years are studying English very well and going to college, finding a good job, and buying a car. I will try to achieve all of these. If I do all of three things, I will feel happy in my life.


My Goals

This is a composition. I’m writing for myself. I have three goals, learn English, visit some friends, and open business in my country. I want to do about them in next five years.
First, learn English, I will go to school every day, study hard at home, read books, study with DVD on internet.
Second, I want to visit two best friends in New York and Florida. Because we haven’t met for five years, since we came to the U.S.
And third goal, I want to go back to my country, open business and retire there. Because I have a house, a store, and the weather is warm though the year.
From today, I will start to do these goals for next five years. I hope my life will be better in the future.



I have a set of goals that I would love to accomplish within a period of three years from now. And a few others that are long term goals that I will try to reach with in a six to ten years period.
My short term goals are the following. My first goal is, to be more fluent in English, get a GED, be able to get a better job and study Cosmetology.
My long term goals are to own a house and to give my daughters a better education.
I like to studying and learn English because I believe is necessary and important to succeed I will keep taking my ESL classes, try to get a speech class, do a lot of reading, and study at home in my free time. As I progress, I would get the information and take the classes I need to get my GED. I will learn new skills at work that will help me earn more income and help me pay for my cosmetology classes.
I also want to own a house, but a need to work hard and save money. Living in my own house will be more comfortable for me, my daughters and my husband.
In addition I will keep working hard and save money for my daughters colleges tuition this will help them get a better education, a better lifestyle and this will be make me very happy and proud of myself.
I hope to achieve my goals within the time frame I assign and if I can reach them early the better it will be for me and my family.


My Goals

Everybody in the world wants to live better. For it he plans his life for near future and has few main goals. This is a letter I am writing to myself with three short-term goals and three long-term goals. My three important goals for now are to know English very well, be a US citizen and live with my family in the USA. And I have three long-term goals. These are get a good education, be owner my business and travel with my husband and children. Now I will explain why I chose these goals and now I plan to accomplish them.
First, I want to know English very well. I think, I’m not the only one with this goal. It is a very important thing for every person with education. English is a very popular language in the world and it helps you always. Today English is more important for us, because we live in the USA and we must know it. Also, I want get good job. For it I need good English. I think, for every one of my classmates it will be the first goal. First for this goal I need to go to ESL school every day and study intensively English at home. Next I plan to learn more English in college in the next year, when I finish this school. I want be successful woman in the USA and English is my first purpose.
Secondly, I want to be a US citizen. It is very important for me, because I want to bring my parents, grandmothers, sister, and brother to the USA. For my second short-term goal I will study English and history of the USA in school, college and at home. This knowledge will help me to get my second target. But, I must wait 3 years and pass the test for US citizenship.
Next, I want to live with my family in the USA. When the whole family lives together, it is very important for me. I always lived with my family and today I miss them. For achievement my this goal I must have a good job, a lot of money, a big and comfortable house. Also I must be a US citizen.
These are my 3 very important goals for this time. I am sure my goals will be true and real, because all in my hands. I think, I will achieve my goals in near future (next 5 years). And I want to tell about my long-term goals: get good education, open my hairdressing salon, and travel with my husband and children. I think near 10 years I achieve my short-term and long-term goals. Now I have plans, wish, hope and time for it. Go ahead!


My Goals

I arrived to the USA to get a better life than in my country. For this I have a lot of goals and wishes. I want to open my own café. But for this goal I have to do more things before.
The first goal is to learn English I go to ESL class every day. I try to speak English at home with my son and husband. Next fall I’m going to try to take test at college. If I speak English well, I can get all of my goals.
Also I want to buy a home. This is my goal and my husband’s goal too. We want to be independent from our neighbors and their dogs. We will put money in the bank. We have some money for the first payment now. I plan to get the home next year.
And my big goal is to open my own café. I’m going to study business for this and I think my skills in bakery business will help me. I want to be successful in my life in the USA. I think after next five years you will come to my café.
These are my three big goals. The first is to learn English, then to buy a home and finally to open my own café. I hope I can do all of them.


Monday, May 18, 2009

My Native Country

I am from Laos. Laos is the country in the north of Thailand. Laos is a smaller country and population is not too much. In Laos there are different people. There are: Laos, Hmong, Khamou… But they love each other. So my village is in the north in Laos. Often we can see sunrise in the morning about 7:00 and we can see sunset about 6:00 after noon. The mountain hangs over the village. The woods have a lot of other animals. The people are farmers. They go to the farm every day. Their holiday is Hmong New Years, they celebrate at home about 5-7 days. After that they go to do the farm again. They are kind and an industrious people in my village. My village is far from the capital city, so the education is not good there. In the village has no restaurant, market. If they want to buy something or shopping they spend lot of times to go to the city. The best they can do: plant the rice, vegetable and pet animals. They can’t work to earn the money. Like they are poor, but they love and help each other in the Village.


My Native Country

Geographical location is in central Europe. Population religion in my country is Christian. In my city where I lived there are four seasons. I liked travel in south Russia every year for holiday with my family. It’s very beautiful place across sea high mountains. Sometimes I like go to the park, and to the theater to watch movie. In suburban very big zoo. If people come to my City its good place for excursions. Looked nice building architecture, big sports complexes, museum and six different places where writers lived many years ago.


My Native Country

I am from Ethiopia in Eastern part of Africa. It has a large population and many tribes. We have two seasons, winter and summer. During the winter time there is a little cold and the summer is not too hot. People they enjoy nature like, wild animals, River Lakes Mountain, historical places and Museum. They wear traditional clothes and invite each other to eat traditional food. The women in my country make beautiful clothes from cotton plant and house decoration from grasses. They decorated by different colors. The people go to party, dance, visited friends, go to market to shopping fresh food, and museum.


Life in Italy and in the USA

I would like to tell you about life in my country and in the USA. I compare the food, medical care and weather in my country to in the USA.
I think the Italian food is the best in the world. In the USA people usually eat in the fast food restaurant. The American cook doesn’t use olive oil, unlike an Italian cook who uses olive oil for cooking.
The medical care is most expensive in USA because it is not free. In Italy the medical care is free, but there are many private clinics more expensive.
The last thing is the weather, because in Italy the winter during three months and the summer season is very hot, but in Minnesota the winter is very cold and about six months.
I think it is easier here because my country is more similar to the USA. Maybe it is because many Italian people live in the USA for a long time.


Life in Belarus and in the U.S.

I am from Belarus. I would like to tell you about life in my country and in the U.S. Life in Belarus and in America have many different things but many are similar. There are three things that I want to introduce to you: weather, school for children and language.
Weather in my country is similar to the weather in Minnesota. There are have four seasons: winter, spring, summer and fall. However, winter in Minnesota is very cold. But here there is very fresh air and many animals and birds. And here is more beautiful than in my country.
When I was a little girl, I watched TV how Americans have yellow buses, which take American children to school. And I think: “Wow, how great there! They have yellow buses to go to school!” In my country children walk to school.
The last thing is the language. In my country people speak two languages: Russian and Belarusian. In America people speak English. Russian or Belarusian language is very hard for American people. Similar, the Americans language is very hard for Russian people. Because the pronunciation is very much different from that as learn at school in my country. However, English language is a very beautiful language, how and Russian too.
Usually, a few people know about Belarus, because Belarus is very small country. Now, I think you know what is different or similar between my country and America.


Life in Iraq and in the U.S.

I would like to tell you about life in Iraq and in the U.S. The life in Iraq is different from the life in U.S. I will tell you about three things. The first is language; the second is weather and finally traffic laws.
In Iraq the first language is Arabic so, the Iraqi people speak and write Arabic language. In the U.S. the first language is English, so we should learn the English language to speak perfect and to get a good job.
The winter season in Iraq is about three months but the summer season is about six months, it is too hot and dry weather. In Minnesota the weather is different. The winter season about six months, it is too cold and too much snow but the summer season is about three months.
The last thing is the traffic laws. In Iraq there are a few stop signs in the streets but in U.S. there are many stop signs and the driving rules are different too.
Although, the life in U.S. is difficult I like to stay here because I hope in the future my family will get a better life.


Marriage and Wedding in Kazakhstan and USA

All nationalities have their own customs in Marriage and Wedding. I want to tell contrast about Marriage in my country and the USA.
In my country in wedding day fiancé have to bring some candy, chocolate or some money with him. Before you can see his fiancée, he has to answer a lot of questions about his future wife like: what is your size of shoes? What kind of flowers she likes? And more. If he answers wrong, his fiancée’s friends will demand treats. I didn’t hear about same tradition in the USA.
One more is the first dance newly-weds. This is the same tradition, but we don’t have mandatory dance of father with his daughter- fiancée.
Another happens during wedding dinner. Maids of honor of the fiancée hide her and then demand treats again. This can be money or a funny dance of the fiancé with his best men. If best men pay money, all of them friends give newly-weds. This is very funny custom!
We have a lot of customs and traditions on our Wedding such as: bite Karavai – special bread, break champagne glasses for good luck, steal fiancée’s shoe, take off veil and celebrate continue on second day calling “sauna”. All of these contrast with American way to celebrate wedding. Our Weddings are the funniest in the World!
