Monday, March 30, 2009

If I Were a Man

Hello! Let me introduce myself. My name is Vadim Gorin. I am a very successful man. I have a lot of money, big and comfortable home, few cars… I would like tell you three things about me.
First, I’m the owner and the president of a big company. Usually I work a lot. I think: “Prosperity of my company is my prosperity” and I must work 24 hours a day and a night. I’m a hard worker and I like my business.
Secondly, I am an active man. I like sports. I play hockey with my friends every weekend, because hockey is the game for real men. When I have a time, I watch hockey and football on TV. Every morning I take dumbbells and do gymnastics because I want to have a strong and athletic body.
Lastly, I prefer to live alone. I don’t need a family. I’m a very busy man and I haven’t a time for a wife and children. My company is my family. My time is my money. It is good for me and I never want to change it. It is my life and I must be happy.
“Good morning!” told me my alarm-clock and I woke up. I’m so glad that I slept, that it isn’t a real story. It is very good for me that I was born a woman and be a man I can just in my dreams or when I sleep.



If I were a man my life would be different and interesting. I would be very handsome and intelligent. I would have a good job and would not have a wife.
I would be tall, strong and have many friends, many girls. They would to go to party with me. Sometimes I would be a party organizer in my home. I think that I would play guitar in a rock band too but this would be my hobby.
My job would be very good. I think that I would be a chief in the big company maybe something like Computer’s Company or Medicinal Company. I would like my job.
If I were a man I would not have a wife. I would be single because I would be travelling, meeting people and sometimes I would break girls’ hearts. Breaking girls’ hearts is not good but if I were a man why not try?
The truth is that I like being a woman and I don’t want to be a man. I like my life but it is ok when sometimes we think what would happen if we were somebody or something else.


If I Were a Man

If I were a man I would have another life. Another commitment, hard work, more responsibility, cares about my family and others. I want to tell about three, in my view, more important things if I were a man.
The first reason is no diet! I can eat what I want and less think about diet. If a man got a couple unnecessary pounds, he doesn’t worry about them. He doesn’t get any fat on his hips. He can be handsome fore woman in all his forms.
Another is that I will have more chances to stay a president of a Country. A lot of people agree it’s very hard to be a president for a woman. It is a very responsible and important post. Men are more serious than woman. I think this post is only for men.
More important thing is birth-rate. Men never feel how develop baby’s life inside him and how it is to give life to this baby. In my view, every woman feels happiness in this moment. Only she can do it. And this is one reason why I wouldn’t want to be a man.
Men have a lot of advantages than woman. But I am happy that I am woman. I like my life. I like to feel care about me.


If I Were a Man

When I was a little girl, I dreamed of being a man. I thought that being a man was better than being a woman. Because they can always wear pants, they can be strong and fight, and they don’t give birth to children.
In my country, when I was a teenager, girls were not allowed to go to in pants. We had special uniform: girls were dressed in brown dresses with black or white apron. The boys were dresses in black or gray pants and shirt. I thought if I were a man I could always dress in pants. It would be very convenient.
Men are always stronger women. Here in America of men and women are equal the rights. In my country women cannot serve in the army. If I were a man, I could serve in the army and to be stronger.
Third, men don’t give birth to children. They don’t know about morning sickness, prenatal worry, how pregnancy changes your body, your mood and much more.
Now I am an adult woman. I know the happiness of giving birth when your child is born the light you forget about everything.


If I Were Ten Years Old Again

Sometimes I think about what if I was ten years old again. I would go to school, I study hard. I would help my mother clean up house, and play with the neighborhood kids.
I would study hard to get a good job later. I would listen to the teacher and do homework every day.
I would help my mother clean up the house. My Mom worked a lot. I would wash dishes, sweep the floor because I love her so much.
I would play with my neighborhood kids. We would play the ball with the chopstick, run around the yard because the kids always want to play together.
Now I am older. I live in the United States. I can’t do everything, it is just a dream. I look for the future. I can’t become ten years old again. I need to study hard and go to work.


My Favorite Room

My favorite room is the living room. This is a good place to relax. There is a fireplace. My family and I sit by the fireplace every holiday. Also there is a big TV in the living room. I like to watch TV after school in the living room. I watch TV in English because I need more practice for speaking. When guests come, we sit together in the living room. My living room is the best room to relax.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Life on Our Earth is Getting Worse

In my opinion life on our earth is getting worse. Everywhere wars, the air changes and there are sicknesses. First point is war it is very bad for human beings. Many people die and leave their homes. Second point is Air changes. It is not good for people and for Animals. Everything changes no food and water the sun is hard for everyone. The third point is sicknesses. Many people get killed children die. It is dangerous for everybody. In my opinion everybody has to work to change the world for human beings.


My Favorite Place

I live in a nice house. There are four bedrooms, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, and a family room. But my favorite place is my living room. In my living room there is a nice big rug, a long sofa, a big TV, and a stand-up clock. Every morning I wake up and go there to sit on the sofa and watch TV or listen to music. I like that room very much, because it is quiet. I feel comfortable in there. I can smell the fresh air of the green trees, flowers and candles. On weekends I usually come there to read the magazines. I can look through the window and see the blue sky. I can also relax in there when I feel tired from my children. They are so noisy on weekends! That’s why I love my favorite place. Kim

Schools in Thailand

In high school students go to classes from first grade to 6th grade. In college they first mall to 6th mall. When children go to school parents have to pay and it not for free like United Stated. They have to pay for notebooks, pencils, clothes, almost everything. Some people have enough money to educate their children from first to 6th grade.
Students walk to school since there no school buses. They walk for about three miles every day. If you have money you can take a bus to school, but most students walk. They start at 8:00 am until 3:30 pm. In the morning, when students go to class they have to sing a song to Thai flag. Then after that they go to class.


Houses in my Native Country

In my country Moldova 30% of people live in apartments and 70% of them live in houses. I lived in a house.
My house was not big and expensive it was medium size. I like my house because it was very comfortable. My house had a big yard.


My House in My Native Country Vietnam

I lived in a single house. There were two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and one bathroom. The kitchen is not big but my family always met and had dinner together every evening. There was a big sofa, a TV and some flowers in the living room. We used the living room when guests visited us. Also in the evening we watched TV in there. My house in my country is different from my house in the US, but I love it much.


Houses in Mexico

In my country Mexico I lived in a house. I liked it because the house was big with two floors. My house had four bedrooms two living rooms, one kitchen, a loundry room and a dining room, a garage, and patio. I liked it because there were lots of plants, white flowers, and fruit trees. There were animals like chickens and turkeys in a farm.


Houses in My Native Country

Thailand is a small country; it is the size of Coon Rapids. Most people live in houses. People who are very rich live in a very nice house just like rich people in the United States. My family lived in a small house. It had only one room and a kitchen with three beds. I have a brother, two sisters, and my mother. We were poor people. In my house we only paid for candles, and sometimes for water. We didn’t have a bathroom in the house. It was outside next to my house. We took a shower outside the house. It’s not like today where we live inside the house.
At night it was very beautiful and warm. Some nights we slept outside. I like my house even though we didn’t have a stove, microwave, sink or refrigerator. In my house we didn’t have a living room or sofa, but we had chairs. I cooked in the open fire. I hope someday I’ll be there. I know my house is gone because right now no more people lived there forever.
