Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Winter Break

I had a good winter break. My family and I visited my niece and her family. They live in another state. The name of this state is Colorado. My niece Vera, her husband Artiom, and their daughter Kathrine live in Denver. We visited a very tall bridge. It’s the highest bridge in the world. This bridge is 1000 feet tall. When we walked to this bridge it was very windy because there are no buildings or trees around it. I saw the top of the mountain which looks like President Kennedy. It was very interesting. From the top of the bridge we saw a big mountain river. From the bridge the river looks small; but when I came to it closer, it was really big. For dinner we went to the Italian restaurant. There were a lot of different dishes. For dessert I ate a bowl of ice cream. We went home through Denver at night. I enjoyed the city because there were so many Christmas trees with lights. All night at home we played pool. It was so much fun. After spending our time so wonderfully we went home.


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