Monday, September 21, 2009


My Childhood
I lived in a small town with my family in a small house. My dad and my mom worked on the farm.Most of the time my dad worked too much.
It was very hard work. I remember when I was a littie girl I liked playing with my friends all day. Spending my free time with them was fun.
I also helped my mom around the house, but I liked playing most of the time instead. When I went outside instead of doing my chores, I would Jump rope or play dolls with my friends. My childhood was a lot of fun.


The average size for a Russian family is five people. It includes a mother, a father, and three children. In my opinion, the ideal family size is six people; two parents and four children it’s very good to have two sons and two daughters. Women in Russia start having children in their late20’s and early 40’s.In my country, girls have children when they are 18 years old. I think that the ideal age to have children is 22years old, because they finish college and already have a job and make money. The role of mother is to raise children, take care of a house, cook meals clean house, read books for kids, and teach children how to be polite. The role of father is to make money, be around with children. Husband can help his wife with house work, for example vacuum floor, and wash dishes and other things. In Russia parenting style is to give choices, give freedom. The value of family is great. We like to be together and help each other in family, when children are small, parents give them choices, and when parents get old, and children give choices to their parents.

Inna L.


When I was child I was very happy, because my parents loved me and my sister. My family spent a lot of time together. My father was a serviceman therefore my family often moved to a new place. This was very interesting for my older sister and me. I had many new friends. Usually every summer we traveled to my grandmother. She lived in the Caucasus. My childhood was happy.


The average size for an American family is four people , it includes a mother, a father, and two children, in my country, Viet Nam. There are six people in a family, two parents and four children, in my opinion the ideal family size is five people, two parents and three children ,women in the U. S start having children in their late 20’ and early30’, in my country girl have children when they are 18 year old .I think that the ideal age to have children 23 years old, because you already have job and make money. Mother in the U.S take care of a house and go to work, too. Just some stay at home .In my country almost all mother stay at home work. I think that the ideal age for women in my country to get married in late 20’.they should have a job before having a baby and need to go to work. Father in the U.S make money and share the house work with wife. I n my country almost men just go to work to make money and never share house work with women. In my opininion the ideal is that both go to work and share house work and take care of children. It is not just for women .In the U.S parent give children their choices and consequences,in my country children usually listen to parent,Ithink that ideal parent need to give freedom

Thanh Vy

I remember...

I remember that when I was a child my house had 2 bedrooms a living room and one bathroom. It was very small. My family is big. My parents had 7 children. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. My first friend was my neighbor. Her name is Hoa, she’s the same age and height, and we played jump rope. She’s very nice friend. I remember my father taught me how to make net and go fishing on the boat. My mother taught me how to cook and clean the house together with my big sister, she’s learnt faster than me. Now I want to be a child again. When I was a child I had a lot of fun.


My Childhood

I was born in a village. I lived in a small house with my parents. My house had two big bedrooms, kitchen and an outside bathroom. We had a big garden where we grew vegetables and fruits. My parents went to work every day. They worked on the farm. I helped my parents at home. I always cleaned our house and sometimes I cooked. My mother taught me how to cook. I liked to cook soup and mashed potatoes.
My school was located far for me, but I liked to learn and I had many friends. Often after school we went to my house and played.
I have two sisters. They loved me a lot because they were older than me. When I started going to school my sister already finished school. They lived in another city but often came home and gave me presents. We worked together in our garden and relaxed. I was very happy. This was a good time in my life.



When I was a child I lived in a small hose with my brothers, sister and parents. I remember the time when I went to primary school in first grade. My first teacher taught me how to write and read. I liked to go to school but after two weeks I lost interest in going to school because I started to write with my left hand. The teacher would always hit me for that. She told me that she was going to hit me until I learned how to write with my right hand.


My Childhood

When I was a child, I lived in the country. My parents had a big house. It had 5 rooms and 2 rooms-kitchens. I liked read books alone in my rooms, in our house.
I have one sister. Her name is Oliga. She lives with her family in Moldova. I remember how my family often went to the beach on the sea. Together we swam and played. I like to drive a car, because my father taught me that in my childhood, when I was 5 years old. My mother taught me how to cook different food. I like my mother’s cake.
My first friends were boys from my street. We liked to have picnics very much. I played basketball and volleyball. I liked swimming and playing with all children. I have many memories about my childhood!


My Childhood

My family lives in the city of Minsk in Belarus. My family is my parents, my sister and I. I had a very happy childhood because my parents liked me and my sister a lot. Every summer my family liked to travel together. We visited many beautiful places. I had many toys and dolls. I liked to play with dolls. I sewed clothes for my dolls with my mother. And I built a little house for my dolls with my father. I read many books with my parents, and I very liked it. Every weekend we visited a park, or forest, or river, or museum, or village of my grandparents, or other interesting places. My family was always together. In my childhood I had many friends. Some of my childhood friends are still my friends now. My parents gave me a happy childhood, and I am very grateful to them.


I remember...

I remember I lived in a small house. My grandma taught me how to be a good person. My grandma was my best teacher. When I was a child grandma always told me to respect other people. I remember my best gift from my grandma I was 11 years old . I waited for my birthday on the 22nd of January. I liked to play basketball and she knew I wanted a basketball ring but we didn’t have much money and my father was never with us. That day she told my uncle to put the basketball ring in front of the house, I remember how happy I was because we never received any gifts. I remember how happy I was and how happy my brother was because he played with me every day.


My Family in America

The average size for an American family is four people includes a mother, a father, and two children in my country Mexico there are seven people in a family: two parents and five children. In my opinion the ideal family size is four two parents and two children women in the U.S. start having children in their late 20’s and early 30’s in my country girls have children when they are 15 years old. I think that good age to have children is 25 years old, because you al reedy have a job and make money. The role of mother in the U.S is to raise children to have good attention.
In my country the role of mother is different because they opportunity to clean house, watch children and make food. I think this is good because you can see everything about your child & your house. Father in the U.S. make money and shave responsibilities.
In my country it is different because they work all day can’t help around the house.
My husband helps me around the house with my boy and sometime, He makes good food. The parenting style in U.S. is to give choice, give freedom & consequence. In my country the father makes a decision for the child until becomes an adult. I believe that parents must make decision for everybody but also give choices freedom and consequence. A family in the U.S. has a great support. In my country the government is corrupted and you can’t do anything. The relation between children and parents in U.S. is based on trust. In my country parents make decision for you. But in my family we have good communication with my parents and my brothers and sister, I want this for my family too, I believe in my husband and my son always. We can speak like a family.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Vacuum Cleaner Machine

It is easy to use and the results are fast. It is look like common black pot but it is using clear carpet. It’s very good clean living room. All you need to do is open the bottom of machine put water in the bottom, half of the bottom close it, and turn on the machine. You can clean around in the house but this machine just clean only carpet. After you clean already change the water in the bottom machine that you have to wiped wastes inside the bottom that you done. It is easy to use.


Vacuum Cleaner

Vacuum cleaner is a machine that can talk to you. This vacuum can do anythings you want and it easy to use. The results are very fast and it look like a common machine.
This vacuum is a special machine. It is a small vacuum cleaner inside, outside. This vacuum help you cook when you really tired.
This vacuum cleaner cleans carpet inside, but it cuts the grass outside. This machine is easy to use by saying, no water. It can clean by itself and then you relax, spend time with your family.
Surely this vacuum cleaner is very nice and good cleaner. Also this machine will come soon. This vacuum cleaner is special and it does anything.


TV Glasses

A pair of TV glasses invention good for all people, and special for business people.
It makes easy watch everything what you want. You can do something and you don’t lose time for watching TV
I think it will important for future in US because people in US don’t have enough time.
The TV glasses are very small and you can take everywhere. It very easy to use, just touch by finger a center of glasses and ready to watch TV show.
Everybody will love the TV glasses. TV glasses will give you more time for something else.
