Monday, April 27, 2009

Live babushka and granddaughter

Granddaughter went walking forest, and lose one’s way. Going, going and look house. Granddaughter knocked on the door. The door was closed. The house was empty. There lived three Bears, but they walking in forest. Granddaughter went into house, and looked at table. On table was big bowl with soup. This bowl belonged to the dad Bear. Next bowl was medium with soup. This bowl belonged to the mom Bear. Next bowl was blue, very small and belonged to son Bear. Granddaughter ate soup with bowl dad, it was not good. She ate soup with bowl mother, it was not good. Granddaughter ate soup with blue bowl, soup was very, very yummy. She ate all of the soup. After that, she went to next room. There were three chairs. First chair was very big and belonged to dad Bear. Next chair was medium and belonged to mother and next chair was very small and beautiful and belonged to son Bear. Granddaughter sat down on dad’s chair. It was tall and not good. She sat down on chair of mom, it was not good. She sat down on chair of small Bear, it was very good! Girl rocked chair and broke it! Granddaughter went to the next room. There were three beds. First bed was very tall and belonged to dad. Next bed was very small and beautiful belonged to small Bear. Bear’s family came back from forest and came in the house. And then little Bear son saw that somebody ate from his bowl and ate all of his soup. He was very angry and upset and he said, “Who was here and ate from my beautiful bowl and ate all of my soup?” And then bear to go in own bedroom and saw that somebody was sitting down on his little chair and broke it. Little bear started crying and said, “Who was sitting on my favourite chair and broke it?” And then bear go in next room and he is going to his bed. And again he was crying because his bed was not straight. And he said, “Who was sleeping on my bed?” And then he could see the little girl, so she is sleep on bear’s bed very well. Next bear started to cry very strong and little girl woke up. She was very afraid, and Bear said her, “Get out of my bed and my house!” The girl was very upset and she quickly ran to the forest, so she is still scared about bears. Inna

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