Monday, April 27, 2009


In the old, old time the animal live together the lion talk with them I hear someone called the human he has a big force.
The lion come to the camel and asked him, “Did you see the human in your life?” The camel answered him, “Yes, I saw him. He uses me and rides me and makes me cross the desert. Do you know the human is smaller than me?”
The lion exclaimed, “Smaller than you? Are you sure?”
“Yes,” the camel says.
The lion asked, “Any there see the human?”
“Yes,” the elephant says. “The human rides me and makes me lift heavy things and he hit me and he is smaller than me.”
The lion very exclaimed, “Smaller from you! And it decided to see the human.
When the lion meat the human, it asked him, “Are you the human?” “Yes,” the human says.
“Are you sure?” the lion asked him. “So I need to kill you now we must start the fighting to see which one is strong the human or the lion king of the animals!”
The human, “But did you bring your force with you?”
The lion, “It’s with me! Let’s start the fighting”
The human, “But my force not with me?! ”
The lion, “where is it?”
The human: I forgot it in my house
The lion: so go and bring you’re force from your home
The human: but I am afraid if I go to bring my force I think you run a way.
The lion exclaim “run away “! I’m the strong one of this land
The human: I have a good idea let me tie you to this tree.
The lion: ok, do anything you need it?
And after the human tie the lion to the tree he says now I’m very happy to bring my force.
The lion: ok and remember I am not trying free myself.
The human: go to find part of tree and he start to hit the lion and he says this is my force it here in my head it is my “BRAIN”.

Red Hat

One day Mom said, “Red Hat, Take this food and go to the Grandmother.” Grandmother lived in another city .The street goes between the forest. When Red Hat went to the grandmother in the forest she met the Wolf. The wolf said, “Tell me, what’s your name and where are you going?” “My name is Red Hat and I’m going to the grandmother to give this food because she is sick.” The wolf said, “OK,” and it went on another street first to the grandmother and knock to the door the grandmother said, “Who is there?” “I am Red Hat and I have food for you.” The grandmother said, “Come on inside the door. It is open.” The Wolf came inside and ate the grandmother.” When Red Hat came, she the same knocked on the door but the Wolf said, “Who’s there?” The Red Hat said, “I am Red Hat, your granddaughter, and have food for you.” The Wolf said, “Come on inside and sit here.” When the Red Hat sat close to the bed the Wolf ate the Red Hat. Valeriu

The Wolf and the Seven Kids

There was a goat and it had seven kids. Once she went to the forest find some foods. When she left she every time told them to lock the door and check that twice. “I will feel good myself and remember for your safety,” said mother, “but you can open the door if you hear the song which I sing for you.” And she went out. In evening she came back and knocked on the door. Door was from wood without window. Kids come to door and were quiet to listen to who is behind the door. Their mother had song for them, “My kids, my kids please open the door for me. It’s I your mother. I am bringing milk for you.” Kids were so happy and opened the door for her. She got them milk when kids jumped around her. Everyone was happier to see all family together. But once their mother went out like last time and kids closed door the same. One cunning wolf came to their home and knocked on the door few hours earlier. They asked, “Who’s that?” Wolf sang song for them the same with their mother. All kids said him, “Your voice is not the same as Mother’s.” Wolf had to go away without snack. Then wolf went to blacksmith and he make him voice which he needed. The next day wolf repeated the trick and kids said, “Look, it’s mom comeback,” and opened door. Wolf ate all of them. But one who was a smaller kid had hid behind the fireplace. When really mom came back she didn’t find her kids. She sat on floor and start the cried and said, “Where you my live the kids, for who you are the opened door?” Her smaller son told her what the happened. She run away to cutwoods and told them all right about that. The cutwoods caught the wolf and searched his stomach and kids have jumped to their mom. Vladimir

Snow White

Once upon a time there was a princess who lived in a castle with her father, the king, and her stepmother. The stepmother envied Snow White because she was more beautiful. she ordered a servant to kill Snow White. He did not want to kill her. He told her to run far away she found a cottage in the forest. Inside the cottage it was messy so she cleaned and cooked. Then she went to sleep. In the afternoon the seven dwarfs came and saw Snow White sleeping and they let her stay. The stepmother found out that Snow White was alive. She took poisoned apples to her. When she ate one she died. The dwarfs cried for her because they thought she was dead. So they put her in a glass coffin. One day a prince came on a horse and kissed her. She woke up! The prince and the princess left on the horse. They lived happily ever after. Maria

Ice-cold drinks for sale
Sweetest, coolest drinks in town
Just ten cents!
She and her sister waited. But no one came for drinks. “Maybe it needs to be sweeter,” said her sister. So she made the drinks sweeter. But still no one came for drinks. “Maybe it needs to be cooler,” she said. So her sister made the drinks cooler, but still no one came for drinks. She yelled, “Come and get your ice-cold drinks!” But still no one came for drinks. Her sister said, “Maybe you need to yell louder.” So she yelled louder. But no one came for drinks. “Maybe we need to make the price lower,” she said. So her sister made the price lower. Soon a lot of people came and bought drinks. Everyone wanted the sweetest, coolest, lowest-priced drinks in town.


About Ants

One ant name is Z. He is the one who working. They have a lot of people and they have a queen. The queen has a daughter, too. They called her princess Bala. In this country live in the ground. They have soldier and worker. Z is the one worker and his friend is the one soldier. Z so lonely because he didn’t has a girlfriend. One day at night the princess came out. She is going to the party.
Everybody is drinking and dancing for fun. But Z didn’t, he is sitting on a chair next to the dancing. Princess say I want to ask someone who working to dancing with me. Then she saw Z sitting on a chair. She asking would like to dance with me. He said yes, after that time he is in love with princess Bala.
And he said when I see you again. She says let’s me think, I think it’s never. And she kissed him and she was gone. After that he never sees princess anymore. Then Z talk to his friend can you change with I’ll be the soldier and you’ll be the one worker. Now the soldier they are going to fighting to another country.
After the war all the soldiers they are died. Then just only one soldier is Z came back to the country. He is become a hero in this country. Z has to go to the queen and her daughter. Z is every happy because he will see the princess again. Z take princess with him to another place, that place is every nice. After they came back they are married.



Wilma the witch has a crazy broom. It likes to fly around her room. She also has a fat cat and a pet rat. Wilma loves her pet rat. She calls the rat, “my little brat”. The rat hates the cat. The cat does not care. The cat, who is fat, just lives in the vat and stares at the rat. The rat hates that. One night, when Wilma was out, the fat cat got out of the vat. He went, pit-a-pat, and sat on the mat. “This is my mat,” said the rat. “So what?” said the cat. “So get off,” said the rat. “No I won’t,” said the cat. “Then I will go and get my bat,” said the rat. “It will get you of the mat.” “No it won’t,” said the cat. “Then I will go and get my hat,” said the bat. “It will get you off the mat.” “No it won’t,” said the cat. “This is the mat of the rat,” said the hat. “So what?” said the cat. “So get off,” said the hat. “No I won’t,” said the cat. “I am a cat and I am fat. No rat, no bat, no hat, can move me. I shall sit on this mat for as long as I wish.” “We shall see,” said the hat. Guisela

Live babushka and granddaughter

Granddaughter went walking forest, and lose one’s way. Going, going and look house. Granddaughter knocked on the door. The door was closed. The house was empty. There lived three Bears, but they walking in forest. Granddaughter went into house, and looked at table. On table was big bowl with soup. This bowl belonged to the dad Bear. Next bowl was medium with soup. This bowl belonged to the mom Bear. Next bowl was blue, very small and belonged to son Bear. Granddaughter ate soup with bowl dad, it was not good. She ate soup with bowl mother, it was not good. Granddaughter ate soup with blue bowl, soup was very, very yummy. She ate all of the soup. After that, she went to next room. There were three chairs. First chair was very big and belonged to dad Bear. Next chair was medium and belonged to mother and next chair was very small and beautiful and belonged to son Bear. Granddaughter sat down on dad’s chair. It was tall and not good. She sat down on chair of mom, it was not good. She sat down on chair of small Bear, it was very good! Girl rocked chair and broke it! Granddaughter went to the next room. There were three beds. First bed was very tall and belonged to dad. Next bed was very small and beautiful belonged to small Bear. Bear’s family came back from forest and came in the house. And then little Bear son saw that somebody ate from his bowl and ate all of his soup. He was very angry and upset and he said, “Who was here and ate from my beautiful bowl and ate all of my soup?” And then bear to go in own bedroom and saw that somebody was sitting down on his little chair and broke it. Little bear started crying and said, “Who was sitting on my favourite chair and broke it?” And then bear go in next room and he is going to his bed. And again he was crying because his bed was not straight. And he said, “Who was sleeping on my bed?” And then he could see the little girl, so she is sleep on bear’s bed very well. Next bear started to cry very strong and little girl woke up. She was very afraid, and Bear said her, “Get out of my bed and my house!” The girl was very upset and she quickly ran to the forest, so she is still scared about bears. Inna

The Story of Baby Cat and Baby Rat

They met each other in the field. They played together for a long time. But they did not know they are enemy for each other. After a long time, they share to their family.
One day the mother of the Baby Cat ask her when she came home, “Where have you been?”
The baby cat told her mother, “I was playing.”
The mother asked her, “You play with whom?”
The baby cat said, “With my friend.”
The mother asked, “Who is your friend?”
The baby explained to her mother. And she got mad.
The baby cat said, “Mum, why are you mad?”
The mother said, “Because I am looking for them.”
The baby cat asked, “For what you need them?”
Mother said, “For food.”
And the baby cat got confused. And the baby Rat also got the information from her family so they did not meet again.
