Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Roots

I am Yelena from Kazakhstan. I am Russian. The three things I Like best about my culture are language, religion and food.
First this is language. My mother and father speak only on Russian. My language is Russian.
Second this is religion. I respect my parents and their religion. My parents are Christian. With childhood I grew up in a Christian family.
Third this is food. My mother taught me how to cook traditional food. I like it when my mother cooked. Now I cook for my husband and my husband like traditional food. Usually when I don’t know or don’t remember a recipe, I call my mother.
I like my roots.


My Russian Roots

I’m Vladimir and I’m from Russia. Three things that I like about my culture are Christian religion, tradition clothes and language. A lot of people come to church. Most of Russian people wearing national clothes to carnival like an American. I’m glad to keep my language and speak on it with my kids or other people who speak Russian language. This are things I like from Russia.


My Roots

I am Trang Tran from Vietnam. Three things I like the best about my culture are language, food, and clothes. First, my language is very easy to speak and to listen to for me. Second, my favorite food is eggroll. In my country they eat rice, fish and vegetables every day. Third one, is clothes, every student and teacher wear all “ao dai” and in the wedding they wear “ao dai” too. When they wear that is looks very beautiful. That is culture in Vietnam.


My Roots

I am Valeriu Bodrug from Moldova. Three things about my culture; Respect my parent and all people because is important for me and my children. In my country education is more important for all people because when they moving or traveling from other country it’s easy. In my country people like and traditional music and dance. People wear traditional clothes and singing traditional music.


My Belarussian Roots

My name is Vadim. I am from Belarus, a country in the middle of Europe. Three things that I like about my country are food, religion and history.
First, religion is a big part of my life and my family. My religion is very old and came to me from my parents. I would like to teach that to my children too.
Second, traditional food is very important. I’d like to cook for my friends and my family.
Third, history of my country is very important. I like my country which has thousands of years of history. I like the city in which I was born. It’s the capital of Belarus and a very beautiful city.
I want to teach my children these important things about my culture.


My Best Friend

I have two good friends. They share some of the same personal qualities. One characteristic I like about my friends is that they are responsibility.
One friend is Safaa, he is a very nice friend, I am very sad now because he is dead. Safaa had a honest heart. He worked with me on the trade and helped together on all business. I remembered his words in the hard work in my life that are most valuable, love, friend, confidence. My other friend is Hassan, He lives now in Jordan. He is a very nice friend, He has same characteristic qualities with me and Safaa, before helped me in our business and now he looked my business in Iraq alone because I can’t travel to Iraq in this time. He take care for my job in Iraq.
I value my two friends who are both my fortune, they are my pride in this life.


My Favorite Place

In my house I have a special place. It is my yard. Every morning I go there to look at the green trees.
I see the flowers opening and some yellow butterflies. They fly and sit on the flowers. I hear birds singing in the trees. I smell the green grass and I feel the fresh air.
When the winter is over and spring comes, I and my husband work in the yard. We plant flowers, tomatoes, and vegetables. We fix some place, so that they look clean and beautiful. Every weekend I go to see them grow, and I am very happy.
The yard is my favorite place because when I am tired of hearing noises on TV, I walk around my yard. I take a deep breath of fresh air. The yard is also important for my family. My children like to play there on weekend.


My Story

My name is Ka Chang and I come from Thailand but my language is Hmong. Three things I like very much in my culture are my culture music kwv txhiaj, the house and great food call papaya salad.
Music kwv txhiaj is a music for our culture and long, long time ago and we still sing it now. The second is the house. It’s a small house of Hmong people lived in. The house made by trees and bamboos. The third one is a very great food papaya salad. When I eat it make me feel good it very spicy but very good.
My conclusion is I still use it now and I’ll teach my children when they are growing. I hope they’ll like it, too.


My Dream

First what l want to do is to learn to write and read English. Second, l would like to get my GED then l can go to college. After college l can study to become a nurse. After nursing, l could continue studying to be a doctor. I would like to be a doctor. l like to help people. My hope is to be a nurse or doctor, especially to help the people in Africa.
I‘ve always had that dream since l was little. God give me a dream l want to do l know l live a difficult life but l am trying to make my dream come true.


Only One Smile

I’m going to tell a story about a person. Her name is Thanh. She’s a pharmacist in a pharmacy. It had a regular customer. Her name was “ Smiley “. She was 80 years old. She had to move in her wheelchair after an accident. She has many illnesses, so people were worried about her. When she came to the pharmacy, Thanh was always smiley and sympathized with her because she was alone at the nursing home. Her husband and son died after that accident.
Last Thanksving, she came to give Thanh a gift and card. Thanh read it and cried. The letter said:
Dear Thanh,
My name’s Smiley, but life doesn’t “ smile “at me at all. Many times I wanted to kill myself, until the day I met you in this pharmacy. You are the only person who always smiles at me, after the death of my husband and son. You made me feel happy and help me keep on living. I want to take the this Thanksgiving holiday to say “ Thank you. “.
Thank you very much, for your smile…”
Thanh didn’t think that


snowy and cloudy
rainy, windy, foggy
jacket, scarf, grass, flower
swim, eat ice cream, play tennis
sunny and hot


smart and intelligent
teach, explain, understand students
school, papers, homework, school bus
listen, write, late
good and bad


cloudy and white
play with snowballs, eat icicles, shovel snow
snowflakes, sled, barbeques, sandals
get a sun tan, go to a park, play with children outside
sunny and rainy


submissive and smart
help brothers, study well, and make his bed
boy, girl, woman, wife
love children, make meals, clean house
loving and healthy


snowy and beautiful
drink hot chocolate
celebrate holidays, go sledding, snow pants, snowshoes, sandals, shorts
eat ice-cream, drink juice, play tennis
sunny and warm

Irina R.

happy, funny
laugh, play, sleep
son, daughter, father, mother
work, drive, cook
tired, relaxed

Cold and windy
Make a snowman, drink hot milk, sleep
Oranges, chocolate, icecream, juice
Have a barbeque, swim, run
Hot stormy


Monday, January 4, 2010

cold and rainy
play with snowballs, ski, wear boots
snow, rain, sun, beach
swim, play tennis, drink juice
sunny and beautiful
