Monday, August 4, 2008

A Letter to Myself

Dear Anna,
I want to write this letter to myself about my three goals. My first goal is go to visit Moldova. My second goal is to buy a new car. My third goal is go to visit my cousin in Canada.
I want go to Moldova to visit. I love my relatives and want to see them. I remember all my friends and I want to visit them. I save money to buy a ticket so I can fly in an airplane. I will be going to Moldova in the summer of 2009.
My second goal is to buy a new car. I need to buy a new car, because my car doesn’t work well all the time now. I want to buy a Lexus truck, because I like it. When I save money, I will be buying a new car in 2011.
My third goal is go to visit to my cousin in Canada. I remember my cousin, Victor. I want see him and his family. He has a beautiful wife and two nice little sons. I want to save money and then buy a ticket. I will be going in Canada in 2013, to visit my cousin and his family.
I really want to achieve my three goals. I want go to Moldova see my relatives, buy a new car and go to Canada to visit my cousin and his family. I want to reach my goals, because these are my hopes. I will be happy when I accomplish my three goals.

Anna C

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