Monday, August 18, 2008

One day of my childhood

I was born in the northern part of Russia, where there was the much forest. I liked forest very much, and I like it now. Every New Year, our family had to decorate a Christmas tree. Father bought it or the oldest brother sawed and brought it from the forest. One year happened so that no one brought an evergreen tree. I decided to saw and bring it myself. We lived not so far from the forest. I took a saw, an axe, a piece of bread, and a little salt. When all was prepared, I set on my goal. All was well, but deep in the forest was a prison for dangerous people, and there lived many wild animals such as wolves, bears, and lynx. Sometimes prisoners run away from the prison and killed citizens who were in the forest and took their clothes. Sometimes people were good food for wild animals. Although I was only eleven years old, I understood well what would happen. In this time I couldn’t imagine our room without a Christmas tree in the first day of New Year. I was running and walking on white, soft, deep snow. I listened to the birds sings. I imagined how I would bring my surprise for everybody in my family, because my parents didn’t know where I went. I was very happy. I spent a long searching for a tree, but one tree was better than another one. I stopped only then when it begins to dusk. I was going home. But where is my way? Where is my path? With each minute it became darker. I thought “I would be a good snack for animals in winter.” I was not fat and big, but I had about 20 kilograms of bones in my body at that time. I understood I lost my way home. I don’t remember how long I roamed. My wonderful, lovely forest slowly became my grave. Suddenly I smelt smoke of cigarettes, and I began to hear voices of the people. Who are they? May by they are prisoners. I didn’t have a choice how to go to the them. There were two strangers.

Sergey P.

My Childhood Memories

I remember when I was a little girl, I, my parents, my aunt, uncle, and my cousin rode to a vacation in the mountains. We road in to a small city Zakopane. We stayed in a hotel. The weather was cold and it was snowing. I felt good, but my cousin was very sick. She had high temperature and she was sad. In the next day my cousin felt better, but she still had high temperature. I played with her. She was very happy all day, but at night she had very high temperature and she had trouble breathing. She was very sad and she was crying. My aunt called the emergency, and my cousin and her parents rode to the hospital. I visited my cousin, but for a short time. She lay on the bad in the hospital. She was happy because I brought candies for her and she felt better. She lay in the hospital for a week. When she left the hospital, we rode home. At home we felt very good and my cousin was healthy. I remember this vacation because it was a very sad vacation.


My Childhood Memories

I was born in VietNam, I have two brothers, when I was a child went to the park and played everything together. I played on the swing, and swam together. One time I hurt leg. I could continue to swim, I drank water in the pool. My borother Hai saw me and he hurried up to me. He help me and took me to the room to rest. I was afraid I could die and I cried a lot. Today I still feel child and I can’t believe me that happened to me. I feel very happy and I don’t worry because I can swim very well. I can swim so far in the ocean and I can go back .


My Childhood Memories

I was born in a small house. My house was near a river. In summer, when I was 12 years old, I with some friends often went to the river for a swim. One day the water in the river was higher than usually. I was in the river swimming and I drank too much water. I thought that I would die. But my friends helped me. They used wood to save me. After that, I never go far to swim in the river. I will never forget it.


My Childhood

I remember when my dad came home from work. He told my family that we were going to the beach .I was so excited that I couldn’t sleep that night. Next morning we rode in the car to the beach. When we got to the beach I saw a lot of people. Some were swimming, some were playing soccer. I saw a man selling chocolate. I followed him so I could buy some. After I bought the chocolate I was lost. I looked all over for my family but I couldn’t find them. I fell on the floor and I started to cry. Finally a man told me to go to the Police, and when I found the Police they asked me about my name. The Policeman held my hand and tried to find my family. But we couldn’t because my family was looking for me. So I went back to his office. Then my family came there and found me. My father was mad at me. My family is happy that they found me, and we went to the beach to swim. If I go the beach and I see a man selling chocolate I think of this story and I am afraid.


Monday, August 4, 2008

A Letter to Myself

Dear Me,
I am writing this letter to myself for future remembrance about my goals. Whether I have achieved my goals or not. By the way I have three goals.
First, I want to learn how to speak English, I believe that English is an important language, all over the world so, I am learning this language in E.S.L (English second language) in Blaine, hopefully that I think I will improve myself and to be able to get a better job.
Next, I want to buy a house. Finally I want to have two children from my wife and want to live a good parent’s life. These are my goals see, whether it would happen or not.


A Letter to myself

Dear me.
In this essay, I’m going to tell you about my goals, which I would like to reach in the next five years. I have been in the U.S. for one year and a month. I’m adjusting to living here, and I’ve made some goals.
My first goal is studying in Metro North ESL School for ten months, and now I’m at level 4. After finishing school, I’m going to take a test for a college. I’m not sure about my profession yet. I wanted to become a pilot, but I don’t think I would want to do that because I would need to spend a lot of time flying and wouldn’t have time for my family.
I would like to get something connected with medicine.


A Letter to Myself

Dear Me,
In this composition I want tell myself my goals in next 5 years. If it’s maybe, my first goal is to go to university, my second goal is to visit my home and my final goal is to have a good work.
My first goal is more realistic to visit my home in Moldova. I want to come home in this winter. At home I want to visit my family: mother, father, brother; my friends, relatives. I want to speak with them about my live, about their life. But now I can do it only on telephone. To my country I can come only on airplane, because they are in Moldova.
I must know English well because it’s very important if I want go to university. There are many books I must read in English and many others that I can use may be on English. And English must help me in the work, in my life. I must know more and more words, more reading, more listening if I want to know English like Russian.
My third goal is go to university for architecture. I don’t know when it’s may be, bat I want put all my strong in this goal. In the university I want to study architecture. Already I was studying architecture for 4 years. When I will come to university I should take examinations.
It all will help me in my life.

Sergey S

A Letter to Myself

Dear Anna,
I want to write this letter to myself about my three goals. My first goal is go to visit Moldova. My second goal is to buy a new car. My third goal is go to visit my cousin in Canada.
I want go to Moldova to visit. I love my relatives and want to see them. I remember all my friends and I want to visit them. I save money to buy a ticket so I can fly in an airplane. I will be going to Moldova in the summer of 2009.
My second goal is to buy a new car. I need to buy a new car, because my car doesn’t work well all the time now. I want to buy a Lexus truck, because I like it. When I save money, I will be buying a new car in 2011.
My third goal is go to visit to my cousin in Canada. I remember my cousin, Victor. I want see him and his family. He has a beautiful wife and two nice little sons. I want to save money and then buy a ticket. I will be going in Canada in 2013, to visit my cousin and his family.
I really want to achieve my three goals. I want go to Moldova see my relatives, buy a new car and go to Canada to visit my cousin and his family. I want to reach my goals, because these are my hopes. I will be happy when I accomplish my three goals.

Anna C

A Letter to Myself

Dear Me,
This is a letter I am writing to myself three goals in it. I will open this letter in five tears and decide whether or not I have achieved these foals. The goals I want to be educated and work in the hospital, visit my friends in Ukraine and I want to know how to good cook.
First, if I want to work in a hospital, I need to be educated. Now I learn speak In English that than I could go to college. Every morning I try to come to school ESL and there I study how to read, speak, and write in English.
Second, I want to visit my friends in Ukraine. I know that tickets to Ukraine are very expensive for me. I need enough money. I will hard work and save money.
Third, I want to know how to good cook. When my mom left house, I try to cook something for my sisters and dad. I want to good cook cakes. I have a book with good recipes cakes. I have goals-every Saturday I must cook for my family.
In conclusion, I have set three goals for myself. The first goal is the most difficult for me, because to learn a new language and study in college too hard for me, but I am thinking five years I will be a good nurse. If I will work in hospital and save money I could visit my friends in Ukraine.


A Letter to Myself

Dear Patricia Hayes,
This is a composition to become a nurse in five years, and go get a high education in nursing. And my goal to have two children and take my two children back home so they can see my mother and father.
My first goal is to become a nurse by going to school and getting a job and for me to save money. For me to accomplish this I have to work hard.
My next goal is taking my children back home so I have to work and save money for our trip so it can be successful back home.