Wednesday, May 25, 2016

My Ideal Vacation

My ideal vacation is going to Canada. I will go to Canada with my husband and our friends this summer. Fortunately I don't have any legal problem I mean the embassy requires me just to have Green Card. I'm very interested to see Niagara Falls , Hart House, CN Tower , shopping centers and Casaloma. I think ten days is enough for this trip. I can't wait . I wish summer would come soon. Preparing the car and having enough money are my husbands's tasks. Sunscreen and swimsuit are essential. Usually my husband performs his tasks well. When we travel we don't have any problems. Our friends are exited like us for this vacation. We hope this vacation bring good memories.


Monday, May 23, 2016

My Ideal Vacation—Travel to the Egypt

Egypt is an ancient country with a long history, which is one of the four ancient civilizations. I have learned the history of Egypt when I was a student, I also watched news about Egypt from TV and newspapers, I still interested in Egypt. An ancient city of Egypt named Heracleion under the Mediterranean was found recently, it’s said that the most beautiful woman in the world 3000 years ago, Helen, from Tory, had been there with her lover Paris.
Egypt is a mysterious country. There are many tales about it. The smart Egyptian, mystery of the pharaoh of Egypt, unknown builder of the Pyramids… all attracted me, it is a place which human still exploring and studying, so my ideal vacation is to travel to the Egypt with my family.
To protect the historical relic, require the rigorous work and skills, the Egyptian archaeologist performed this hard task well. Egypt has many famous places: the Pyramids, Great Sphinx, Temple of Karnak, Abu Simibel Temple, Luxor Temple, Valley of the Kings, Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, Citadel of Saladin, Colossi of Memmon, Tomb of King Tutankhamun… I watched these pictures and read stories about them before, but I want to go there to see them by myself to see.
I know River Nile as a longest river in the world, but it let me have a deep impression when I watched the movie Death on the Nile. I also think that it will be pleased when I ride the camel in the vast desert. Of course, I would visit the Egypt Museum, to see the precious cultural relics from ancient Egyptian.
That the same essential thing and still around me in the travel is to eat good Egyptian foods. There is several thousand years’ history in the Egypt. I think that the Egyptian foods will be very delicious too. I also like to buy some Egyptian jewelry with ancient design to wear…
Travel to the Egypt will be fun. I can’t wait to go now!


Ideal Vacation Destination

If I could go on vacation, I would go to Paris. I have seen Paris building, rivers hotels, roads, restaurants on the movies, TV, Internet and in books. But I never saw them with my own eyes. I would go to see them. I would like to enjoy my vacation with my girlfriend which has never been there either. It would be easier for me to enjoy Paris because I can speak French and read in French. I can communicate with people easily. I can easily read maps, signs. Paris is my dream country to go on vacation. And I am planning for it. I hope in about five years, I will go to Paris.


Purpose in Life

This is an explanation why it is important to have a purpose in life. When you have a purpose for your life, then you work hard to achieve that purpose. But if you don't have a purpose in life, you don't care about the future. I read somewhere that you should plan your life like you will die the next day and live your life like you will live forever. In my opinion, everyone should have a purpose in life. For example my purpose is to become a great lawyer in the future. That's why I'm working hard to achieve this. Even though it is hard to go to school and work at same time, I am doing it because I have a purpose in my life which is to become a lawyer.


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Purpose in Life

Why should you have a purpose? Why is a purpose important in life? There are answers for these questions. It is important to have a purpose a direction in life,and it's particularly important to have a self-transcending purpose,something that goes beyond yourself.So your purpose can lead you to doing all these things.I want to give you an example,about me.When I was in my country my purpose was to complete my education and I did,but that time was difficult to me because I walked to school and read by candle light.When I finished high school I went to the college,my college was very far from house and also the war began there. After that I had my graduation, and marriage,and had a child. So my purpose now is,how can I be a better mother to my son. I want to give him better education in his life. Also my purpose is to come to the school to learn English.


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Purpose in Life

“Failing to plan is planning to fail” as Alan Lakein said.
Each one of us wants to be a happy and successful person. For that to happen, she/he should have their own purpose in life. The purpose in life is to help you fix your target. If you don’t have a target, you may go in many directions looking for success and happiness. When you determine where to go, you will know where you should put your shoes on the right path and which scenario you will follow. For each target, there are several requirements that should be prepared to be ready for your purpose, for example if a sales representative get promoted to a sales manager, she/he should be to be proficient in accounting and Microsoft Office. In life there is a sequence of events, and in our progress toward our target there is a certain sequence. It should be logical and regular in order to get maximum benefit from our time and our effort.
If you want to be a physician in the USA and you are from an Arabic country, you have to learn the English language before studying the physiology. When you know your purpose, you can predict the time to reach it. Accordingly, you will put a realistic time and deadline for your steps and activities. Finally, you have to make a plan B for you to save your time and your effort.


Thursday, May 5, 2016


Homelessness is a reality we see every day in U.S. Homelessness is not having permanent address. A lot of people are at risk becoming homeless. Some situations would be insure affordable housing, ensure adequate income, insure social services, and prohibit discrimination. These solutions all would cost less than half that much money. And numerous studies show that people who have a home go to jails and hospitals far less than people who live on the streets. There are several solutions to effectively change this. Helping our neighbors overcome homelessness presents an effective opportunity for faith communities to help the homeless. Many churches, or other worship centers already offer a variety of support services such as soup kitchens, clothing and subsidized childcare. The main reason for the increase of so many homeless people is caused by our economical problems. Homelessness is a big issue in the U.S. And the U.S. could develop a program to prevent others from becoming homeless. It wouldn't be such a big problem, if affordable housing, secure jobs, medical treatment, and general support could be provided to each individual. These permanent solutions would also prevent people becoming homeless. Americans are willing to help homeless people.


Purpose in Life?

Moving to another place is very difficult. In the U.S. Moving is very difficult too. Some problems have negative effect on your life. My purpose in the future is moving to San Francisco. But when I examine carefully , I understand I have crucial problems . When I think about it, Minnesota has bad winters and Mosquitos. The economy and jobs here is not as good as the economy and jobs in California . You don't have opportunities. But I noticed housing is cheaper than in California. Unfortunately California has traffic and is crowded. The weather always in California is good. Because all season like spring . In Minnesota opportunity for education is better than California and has very good schools for students. Another issue is getting new driver's license . When you move to another state you have to give a test again . I don't like it. I think driving rules in both states similar. In conclusion I like to say moving is very difficult and important and is my purpose.


Monday, May 2, 2016

Purpose in Life

When you walk outside in China, sometimes you can notice four people at a table playing mahjong (a famous Chinese game, which can let time run away); there are many people watching them. They forge to go to work, they forget to do housework, they forget to teach their kids… They are youths, they are mid adults, they are old people... they waste much time. When you go to public places, sometimes you can see people play video games by cellphone; some people addicted to electronic games; they play the games days and nights. In addition to playing the electronic games, they don’t want to do anything. They waste much time too… What’s wrong with our society nowadays? They are similar, because they haven’t a purpose in life!
Yaping Deng, a Chinese ping-pong player (whose short body didn’t fit to play this sport) practiced skills all day long and was persistent. She won 18 world championship medals in her career. Martin Luther King, an American black leader, led and fought for African American’ equal rights to end the suffering that came from racial prejudice all his life… They all are effective person. Why did they do this? Because they have a great goal!
So young people need to think what they will do, what kind of person they want be, how they spend their precious time in their life.
Everyone need examine their act at any time, they need to do the right things to follow their goal in life. Students need to study hard, workers need to work hard, government officers need to enforce the law… Each performs his/her own functions.
If everyone did right things, there wouldn’t be crime, indolence, violence and corruption in our world. Can you imagine how our society will be? It would look like Arabian Nights, but it could happen in the future. So if each of us does our best, the situation of our world will be better and better.
