Monday, October 15, 2012

Tradition Wedding in my Native Country

My country Moldova has traditional weddings. Some people go to a government building or church. A woman and man get married at the age of 16 or older. Usually people come to the wedding ceremony in beautiful clothes. A bride wears white dress and groom wears a suit. People cook special foods like potatoes with chicken. After the wedding ceremony the newly-married couple goes on a honey moon. All people bring different gifts for the newly-married couple; people also give money. Usually people celebrate for 2 or 3 days. When people go on honey moon they go to Italy, Hawaii, and Turkey. They usually stay there for two weeks. Sometimes the newly-married couple pays for the honey moon. Sometimes their parents do it. In my country some people have superstitions related to wedding, like a man can’t see the dress of his future wife or when a ring falls down on the floor.


Traditional Wedding in my Native County

In my county Moldova a couple gets married in a government building. People get married at age 18. Before the registration the groom dresses in a black or white suit and bride wears a white dress. They go to register in the government building with Mendelssohn music playing. Then they go to church for the wedding ceremony. They exchange rings. After they go home or to a restaurant for the reception. The traditional foods are potatoes, chicken, fish, steak, and different desserts and drinks (water and juice.) Sometimes parents present tickets to the honeymoon (to the sea, to mountains, to Turkey.) After the honeymoon, newly–weds rent an apartment and live separate from parents.


Traditional Wedding in my Country

In my country Cambodia the wedding is at home. A woman can get married at age 18 and a man can get married at age 21. A groom pays more money for the wedding than a bride. They put ring on the ring finger. Groom wears a suit and a bride wears white dress. They have a lot of food for the wedding like steak, chicken, shrimp, fish, pork and dessert. There are many superstitions for wedding. They have cake, fruit, Beer to drink and eat and after that they dance. For gifts people give money. The bride never takes her husband’s family name. After they are married, the bride and the groom go to live in a different city and some live with their parents. Most wives stay at home and cook and take care of children. In my country people get divorced about 30% of the time.


Wedding in my Native Country

In my country Moldova a wedding can be in a church or in a government office. A woman can get married at age 18. A man can get married at age 21. Parents help prepare the wedding. Woman wears white dress.  Man wears a black suit. Sometimes   parents pay for the wedding, and sometimes people who get married pay.  A wedding   is usually   around   200 people.  Some people give money as gifts, and some give things for the house. Some people celebrate in restaurants or special places. People eat traditional food,    potatoes, salad pork and chicken. After people eat traditional food they dance, sing and play different games. Then they eat fruit, cake, and chocolate. The   day   after   the   wedding   people go on honeymoon to Turkey, Romania.  Italy.  Ukraine.   Some   people   never   go   on honeymoon, because it is very expensive or they work. After the wedding some people live with parents and others without parents.


Traditional Wedding in my Native Country

During the wedding in my country Conga a bride wears a white dress, white shoes and a white veil.  A groom wears a black suit and black shoes.  The wedding can be in a church or in a government office.  A woman can get married at age 18 years old and a man can get married at age 21 years old.  100 people come to the wedding.  Some traditional food can be chicken, potatoes, rice, salad, chips and special cake.  Some traditional drinks at the reception can be juice, beer, and champagne.  Marriages can’t ever be arranged by parents.  Typical gifts to the bride and groom can be a car, house, bed, sofa, table, plates, armchair, glasses, and a television.  A wife’s duties are to clean, cook, wash dishes, and go shopping, vacuum.  A husband’s duties are to go to work and make money.  Sometimes a couple goes on a honeymoon.  Usually a bride takes her husband’s last name.  A couple lives apart from their families.  There are not many divorces in my country.

Ornella Ntambwe