Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Citizeship Class

Day and Time: Tuesdays, 5:30 - 8:30
Start: October 9
Who can sign up: ESL Level 3 and Level 4 students

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Favorite Dish

Pelmeni is my favorite ethnic dish. Flour, milk, eggs, salt, onions, garlic, pepper, chicken meat are the ingredients needed. The dough is made from the flour, milk, eggs, salt all mixed. The chicken, onion, garlic, pepper are chopped. From dough little round circles are made meat put in the center. Everything is put in pan in hot water, and boiled 5 minute. Served with sour cream, it’s is a very tasty dish. Because I always liked this dish, this dish is from my childhood.

My Favorite Ethnic Food

Sushi is my favorite ethnic dish, it is famous in Japan, It is easy to make.  It is easy to make. You have to prepare  some  ingredients : fresh fish ( tuna, salmon…)wasabi:   ginger;  soy source:  rise was cooked ; seaweed  are needed .   No  cook  for sushi, you can roll the rise was cooked with some vegetable  for example avocado , carrot and seaweed by special equipment of  Japan and then put it out  the dish,  and put the fresh fish on the top, How to eat? You only put it into the soy source with wasabi and ginger and enjoy it. There is something warning for you when you eat, it is too hot. Why is this  my favorite? Because it is good for heath, there are many proteins and vitamins in it.

My Childhood

I  was  born in a big family, 6 brothers  and  3 sisters. My  parents  worked very  hard. We helped them to stay  with little children, clean,  wash  dishes, and sometimes  cook. In  the  evening  we went outside to play. We  played  from  7:00p.m to 9:00p.m. My father  sometimes  worked  in the evening. When  he  was at  work,  we played  for a long time, from 8:00p.m to 11:00p.m. One  time  we played hide and  seek.  I counted  for a long  time before  I looked for my  friend. It  was  very  dark and I  could not  find him.
He was hiding  in the straw.  I was very  tired, but I  enjoyed this  game.


My Childhood

I remember going to school when I was 12 years old. I lived to go to school. I had two very good   friends at school. Many times we stayed during the first class, but then we would leave.        we  went  out  to  eat  grapes  that  were  500  meters from the school. We did not have good sweet grapes at home. After many times, we went back to school. The parents did not know but one day, my friends parents found out what we were doing at school. When I returned home from school, was punished by parents. After that I never ate grapes, but I began to learn very well in school.


My Childhood

I remember one day my family and I went to the river to swim but I couldn’t swim so I walked away from them. I went so far in the water that my family didn’t see me. 10 minutes later they all left. I was in the water over my head and alone. I didn’t know how to swim. I jumped up and down in the water. I wanted my family to see me and help but they were gone. So I tried to yell for them and jumped up to keep my head above the water. No one was there to help me so it was up to me to save myself. I kept jumping forward in the water until my head was above the water. I finally got to the shore and safety. I walked home and told my family what happened to me. I will never forget about that.


My Childhood

My house was on the outside of the city. One day my father, my sister and I were outside. My sister and walked to the river for 20 minutes, my father was sleeping on the ham mock between the trees.  My sister and I climbed on the rock to dive, I was first; my sister was second. We did that for 3 hours. After that we went horse-back riding for 30 minutes. After that we went to the lake to have lunch. It was a great day.


My Childhood

I remember I was 12 years old. We were at home with my best friend. We sat under the tree and ate cookie and drank coca cola. Suddenly I saw one big avocado falling down on my head. My mom came to give me some medicine so I could sleep. When I woke up I went to the avocado tree and I told the man who worked for my home to cut this tree down. After that I went to jump on an orange tree but I didn’t know how to jump so I broke my leg.


My Childhood

I remember the time when I 6 years old. My brother was 4.We came to the attic to throw my baby tooth that out. I believed that the mouse would come to the attic, take my tooth and bring me a new one. Just then my brother saw a sleeping cat. It scratched my brother’s face. My brother was surprised and let the cat go. The cat ran away my brother had a scratch for two months.


My Classmates

I talked to two classmates. Paula is from Guatemala. The weather in Guatemala is rainy and hot. Paula likes to eat beef and soup. There are four people in her family. In her native country she was a secretary. Now she is a cashier. Ansun is From Korea. The weather in Korea is hot and sunny. Ansun likes to eat sea food and rice. There are five people in her family. In her native country she was a seamstress. Now she is a student. I think my classmates are great! 

My Classmates

I talked to two classmates. Ansun is from Korea. The weather in Korea is sunny and hot. Ansun likes to eat seafood rice and kimchi. There are five people in her family. In her native country she was a seamstress. Now she is a student. Paula is from Guatemala. The weather in Guatemala is rainy and hot. Paula likes to eat soup and beef. There are four people in her family. In her native country she was a secretary. Now she is a cashier. I think my classmates are great!


My Classmates

I talked to two classmates. Nora is from Cambodia. The weather in Cambodia is rainy and hot. Nora likes to eat beef and fish and rice and vegetable.  There are three people in her family.  In her native country she was a nurse.  Now she is a student.  Ruta is from Eritrea.  The weather in Eritrea is hot and sunny.  Ruta likes to eat chicken and fries. There are five people in her family. In her native country she was a hairstylist. Now she is a student. I think my classmates are great!  