Monday, April 18, 2011

One Sunday Evening

One Sunday evening Roman called his beloved at home. He asked to come out to the street, to a telephone call-box near the house.”What happened?” she asked. ”Come. I’ll explain everything,” said Roman. Mariya threw on a coat and a scarf, grabbed her purse and ran down the stairs. It seemed to her that she was flying. Mariya felt that something would change her entire life. She was very happy. Feelings overwhelmed her. Her heart was beating wildly in her chest. Mariya saw Roman and ran up to him.”What happened?” he asked. “I have a great surprise. I got a promotion work and I am being sent to France for a new job for 2 years.” The purse tumbled out of Mariya’s hands. Everything faded before her eyes and everything seemed to stop. ”But that’s not all,” said Roman. He got down on one knee in front of Mariya. He took a small box from his pocket. ”I ask you to marry me and go with me to France,” said Roman. “Do you agree?” he asked and handed her an open box. In it lay a beautiful diamond. Mariya was feeling overwhelmed once again. “It is happiness to be loved!”, Mary thought and she said, “Yes.”


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