Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mother is a Great Word


Mothers are important women in the life of a person. I loved, love, and will love my dear momma until the last of my heart. She is a responsible, careful, and good mother because she gave life to 10 children. There was so much noise from each child, but Momma had patience. The gift love, care will never be forgotten by anybody. I remember her warm hands, kind, nice eyes and voice. She had a soft heart; she always worried about us and taught us to be good people. Momma always waited for her husband from work, us from school, or from the army. When we began to work she waited for us from long trips. Too many responsibilities lay on her shoulders every day; she cooked, washed, and dressed each child. If I could speak better English I could tell about the best woman in the world. She is responsible, fair, honest, loyal, patient, sensitive, beautiful, nice, smart, good- my momma! When I finish studying maybe I could write a poem for my momma.

My Mother

Every morning my mother gets up at 5 a.m. She is very hard-working and punctual. She has a talent to cook food with meat and bake yummy bread. Severity is her character, but it doesn’t hinder her to be hospitable and polite and good-hearted. She likes to help neighbors. She is careful and responsible. Now, she is 75-years-old, but she feels like she is forty-years-old. She gave me life. My mother taught a lot and I am thankful to my mom for everything. I love my mother very much, because she is the best mom in the world!

Fiodar Belavus

My Beautiful Mother

Anna Covliuc


My mother is a beautiful, friendly, and strong woman. She smiles a lot. I look like my mother; we have the same face. She is very good nurse. When I was a little girl, I was sometimes sick in winter. My mother took care about me; and now she does too. She doesn’t sleep at night and she is worried about my health. I remember how my mother cared about me, when I was a little girl. I know she loves me all the time; and sometimes I forget about that. I understand I don’t listen to her. She is worried about me, when I come home too late. A little later, my nice and good mother forgives me. She can cook very delicious food for me and my father. She waits for me every day to come from school and asks me, “Are you hungry? Did you drive safely from school to home?” I like my good mother’s food very much. She is a very good cook. Now, I can help her at home: clean house, wash dishes, wash and clean clothes. She can make different good things. Now, my kind mother is not tired too much because I help her. I like my mother’s nice smile a lot. When she is smiling, her beautiful face looks better. She is happy about her family. I love my quiet mother, when she is happy. If my kind mother is happy, I am happy, too. She is a good- natured, courteous, and a patient mother. I love my good mother very much.

My Wish for my Nice Mother

Life rushes along, and we rush with it…

But today, I want to take time out

To tell you I’m thinking of you

You did all those years

While I was busy turning into me.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Tiraspol was founded in 1792 by Suvorov on the river Dnestr, near the Black sea in the North-West. The population of Tiraspol is about 150,000 people. The climate is mild, because it’s near the sea. The winter is not very cold, and summer is not very hot. My city has little snow in winter and little rain in spring. Usually it rains in autumn. In my city you can visit museums of Zelinski, Fainicki, Katovski, parks, cinemas, theaters, and many monuments. In the center of Tiraspol, you can see a big monument dedicated to Suvorov. If you go to the west, you can visit an art gallery, next to the museum of Zelinski, who is a big scientist. He is the creator of a gas mask. He also spent time working with oil. In the 20th century, Katovski founded Moldavian Republic. Fainicki is a popular painter in our city. In summer, you can go to the forest, to the river, to the places of culture, to the parks, and other places. You can visit cinemas, theaters, and a stadium.

Sergey S.

My Best Day This Week

Maria Mendoza

I would like to tell you about my best day this week. It was Sunday the weather it was beautiful sunny and warm. The reason that I love Sundays is because I can do everything I want I can rest and get up late. But on Sunday, April 20, 2008, I spent all day in the Mall of America with my cousin Marisol and my sister Rosa.

In the Mall of America we got on several rides. But the most rides I enjoyed it was the roller coaster and the bumper cars. After enjoyed the rides we went to eat pizza end we set for a litter while.

Because my sister wanted to go shopping too. She wanted to buy a dresser for a special graduation party. The first store we went it was Sears, but my sister did not find any dresses that she like it, then we decide go to JC Penney store and she found it, a very nice blue dress.

We arrived back to my home at around seven o’clock my oldest boy was watering the yard while he was reading a book. I really enjoyed all day with my sister and my cousin. For me is very nice to talk to them and go out too. Because I go out only with my husband and my children, and when I go out with my sister and my cousin we do funny things, and we can spend more time shopping.

My Best Day This Week

Svetlana Legun

I would like to tell you about my best day this week. It was this last Sunday. There are many reasons why I enjoyed it so much. The first reason is that my family was together all day; the second reason is that I with my family went to church and the third reason we met with our friends.

I love Sunday because I can have breakfast with husband while we talk about last week, and we can do plans for next week. Every Sunday we have the different plans. This Sunday was so much interesting.

The weather was not nice but I had a nice mood. After breakfast we went to church, there was interesting program. Then we had a lunch witch our friends in the restaurant. There we agreed that we should spend the all time together. We went to the Amusement Park in the Mall Of America. My husband walked there, but I had shopping.

We arrived back to my house at around 8 o’clock. We had a cup of coffee with cake and we watched one of our favorite movies, and then our friends went to home.

I really enjoyed spending my Sunday with my friends and my lovely family. Next Sunday I hope it will be a beautiful weather, and we will spend our together too outside.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

We Need Peace

I hope that there will be peace in the world. If there is peace, then I can see my mother, daughters, brothers, and sisters, who stayed in Russia. When there is peace, everybody will live long; and children will be happy. When children are happy, all people are happy, too. If there is peace, you can have money, home, cars, tracks, and more dreams.

Sergey P.

Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Nataliya K.

I am from Rostov-on- Don. It is in southern Russia. It is on the coast of the river Don. Rostov-on-Don is a very big city. It has about three million people. A lot of people in Rostov-on Don are students from different countries. Rostov has the warmest weather; and it has four seasons. My city has a lot of things to see. There are beautiful parks, many people walk in the downtown. Adults as well as children like water park very much. Rostov-on-Don has nice theatres, museum and a big place for parades. Every weekend it has fireworks. You are welcome to Rostov-on-Don.

My Favorite Yard

Kim Nguyen

In my house I have a special place. It is my yard. Every morning I go there to look at the green trees.

I see the flowers opening and some yellow butterflies. They fly and sit on the flowers. I hear birds singing in the trees. I smell the green grass and I feel the fresh air.

When the winter is over and spring come I and my husband work in the yard .we plant flowers, tomatoes, and vegetables. We fix some places, so that they look clean and beautiful. Every weekend I go to see them grow, and I am very happy.

The yard is my favorite place because when I am tired of hearing noises on TV, I walk around my yard. I take a deep breath of fresh air. The yard is also important for my family. My children like to play there on weekend.

My Best Day This Week

Margarita Polyakova

I want to tell you about my best day this week. It was this last Thursday, April 17. There are many reasons for my enjoyment. The first reason is I love cars. The second is that the weather was warm and the third reason is that I spend the whole evening with my friend, Ruth and will get my dream!

I love cars, but cannot drive yet. I have got the ‘’permit- card’’ and was such happy, because I may start learning to drive.

The weather in that evening was warm. In that day wasn’t rainy. In the end of the day Ruth called me and told her wish- to experience me to drive a car.

We arrived back to my house at around nine o’clock. My children and husband was waiting to me to the dinner, and interested my success, my mood!

I really enjoyed spending evening with Ruth, when I was driving the car. I hope I’ll be good a driver, because Ruth is hard working teacher and I hard working student!